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Veer Zamamai

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Everything posted by Veer Zamamai

  1. This is excellent. I had a hunch that the Servants of the Abiding Truth would have something to do with their appearance again. This is excellent news. Now that Jul 'Mdama is leading our forces, we shall be unstoppable.
  2. Glory and Honour guide our ascension.

  3. Victory is not secured from the throne, but the frontline.

  4. Life will always get you down one way or the other. Want to know what I do? Smile, I deny them victory. Those who are cruel, I spit in their face; because, one day I know I will be bigger and better than those. Do not let life or its Demons get you down. Fight back and give them your all. That's what I live by.

  5. Life will always get you down one way or the other. Want to know what I do? Smile, I deny them victory. Those who are cruel, I spit in their face; because, one day I know I will be bigger and better than those. Do not let life or its Demons get you down. Fight back and give them your all. That's what I live by.

  6. Yeah, well when you have eight people in your clan we can the do the match.
  7. Interesting, and you seem to talk too much for a being which had not developed the power to speak, but to communicate via quarks and other sounds.
  8. Very funny. Unshruk itsuri enkemp azuk montos! This is relevant how?
  9. Some are unworthy of life, such as those who question the thoughts of others and completely disregard them.

  10. I mean no disrespect when I say this, but this Forum is dead when it comes to clan activity. There are not many major clans here and no-one ever replies to the clan match thread which gets me wondering why I am even bothering to try and get a match. No matter, I have been requested to do so, so this is what I shall do. From recent gatherings, our record is 27-0 which is why I have come here: to find those worthy enough to face us We are looking for clans who are willing to partake in an 8v8 or a 6v6 clan battle one of the days this week or next. We play by Bungie Standards and Bungie Big Team Battle Standards. Please get back to me regarding your request so it can be forwarded to our Imperial Admiral; and so, a Invasion force will be requisitioned. I hope to see some of you shortly on the battlefield, ~Veer 'Kai Zamamee; Special Operations Minor
  11. What is this "Down" you speak of? Is this some sort of password for something? Jiut riok eix oss mwak?
  12. Yeah, fine, whatever. Contact me over Xbox Live: x Paarthurnax x
  13. How many times have I said this? Are you blind or a fool? I do not portray myself as a human, but a Sangheili; similar to what you do with your velociraptor-inspired idea. I don't care who you are, give me a clan match.
  14. Well I do not have time to read people's threads about recruitment. Inform me when you have a sufficient amount of warriors to participate.
  15. Nice find - whatever it is, it looks freaky.
  16. I would like a clan match today, an 8v8. Please get back to me regarding my request.
  17. I would love a clan match with your ODSTs soon, an 8v8. Please contact me so we can set something up.
  18. The Fleet of Righteous Jurisdiction would welcome a clan match with your crappy Hydro Empire. I would welcome a clan match soon.
  19. We play by Bungie Standards, which means gametypes and maps which were originally shipped on the Xbox alongside the Big Team Battle maps and gametypes which are given. I fail to see how these paragraphs are of any relevance to me.
  20. If they did that then I think a vast majority of the community would be greatly upset. Why would they replace a long loved specie with a new one which the Sangheili-fan base don't even like or want to evolve to. This has already destroyed great communities like the Crusading Spirit and the Sovereign Guard. How dare they destroy something so precious and great. I am sure that my friend CorruptCovenant, who is a famous Sangheili screenshot, recently told us that one of his warriors went to the games event that was near him, and he saw the option to play as Sangheili in Custom Games and Elite Slayer and such. I believe, and strongly hope, that Sangheili are playable in Halo 4's Custom Games and Forge, alongside future playlists that will hopefully ship with the game and in future DLCs.
  21. I can't remember. Anyhow, my Special Operations Commander and few other Sangheili Special Operation units were present and we had a meeting to discuss these matters, but I don't think we really reached anything. Nonetheless, I would still like a clan match.
  22. That's a nice family reunion. Care for a clan match Black Knights?
  23. And you obviously did not read anything about me, did you? I am no human, but a Sangheili.
  24. Six years? Your clan must be very populated by now, I'm guessing? I would like a clan match today, an 8v8 or a 6v6. Please contact me when it is necessarily best for you.
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