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    right here
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    My interest mainly are not writing things...

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  1. thanks everybody, I'll keep that in mind. Is there anyway to get the levels back? I'm not expecting anything, but just in case.
  2. @Anarchy no, you don't get it. When I do save it saves, but over a different level that I was working on. So like if I was working on Level A and then I move over and start working on Level B, I finish and save Level B then I go to play Level A and Level B saved over it instead, then when I try to play Level B it's like it was when I first saved. Thanks for trying though, but my problem isn't it not saving, my problem is it saving way to much.
  3. So here's the problem, I'm making a level on Forge mode, then I save and leave, I come back later to do some more forging and when I load up the level, It looks like it did the first time I saved. I figured maybe the save just didn't complete, but then I leave to do my second level, and I find out that my first level override the second, fortunately I just had to delete it then go to playing history and find it again. But today, I was making a level and the same thing happened again, so here's my questions for you: Why does it glitch out like that? how can I prevent it? and when will whoever fixes stuff fix it? and do you actually understand what the problem I'm having is? Here's it simply, when I save it overrides another level.
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