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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. I'm really upset that the zoom isn't there. And precision editing was definitely a great one, but I seemed to use coordinates on Reach also.
  2. I was thinking the same thing! That trumpet is a little OP... But Chris is right, the other Halo games had some amazing music!
  3. I honestly just wish they would of Beta tested it. Most of the glitches and problems in it would of been resolved way before the release! They screwed that up on my part and I believe all these glitches and problems are the reason so many fans are moving away from it.
  4. That would be such a pathetic name haha. Where were the other 6? o.o
  5. The songs they picked for SSX (2012) are like all of my favorites! That game is pretty amazing also!
  6. I just added them all to my Wallpaper folder
  7. This is such a great addition to the community! Keep them coming!
  8. My friend has been voice banned a couple times and we assume it's because multiple people have muted you throughout the game. It could of just been that one team will mute the other team (you being on the other team) and if that happens enough, you'll end up getting voice banned. :/
  9. Honestly, I've grown towards the new Windows 8 start screen. It saves me a lot of room on my desktop and I like how I can access my apps on there as well.
  10. It's an honor hearing that from you <3
  11. Tommy


    Welcome to the forums! Pink is my favorite color also...
  12. I had to move some things around but I hope you like it. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/079/0/4/fishy_forum_sig_v3_by_bronyswag-d5yn6i5.png
  13. Tommy


    Welcome to the forums!
  14. Hardest thing about being a Spartan? A: Wearing a suit that weighs a ton. I feel like that would be hard for anybody.
  15. Tommy


    Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  16. I'm gonna miss you man! Thanks for all the times with helping fix my computer and being a quality member! I'll still bug the hell out of you on XbL
  17. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/078/0/d/lilsilmarillion_by_bronyswag-d5ymmne.png The reflection on my signature is actual another picture so I can't really do that but this is the best I could do with what I could find.
  18. Awesome! If you need me let me know!
  19. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/078/5/3/reaper2_by_bronyswag-d5yjc3i.gif
  20. I did a lot to change the background but nothing really looked good.
  21. I think the Mantis is awesome! You can use it extremely tactically by having your team mates protect it. If you usually go in not giving a crap it blows up pretty quickly.
  22. This is the first thing I've made entirely from scratch. Started from a black background and made this. I would really like to hear what you guys think! http://bronyswag.deviantart.com/art/Dubstep-Art-360168219 Thanks for looking everyone!
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