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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. Congratulations! It was only a matter of time!
  2. I would like Halo 5 to feel like you have been abandoned and you almost no hope to getting back to human life. I feel like that would make it very emotional. The reason I say almost is obviously because he's being searched for so chances are he's gonna get found haha.
  3. What seems to be the issue? Can you not access it entirely? Can you start it up and it wont load? A little more specific please!
  4. Glad you got this figured out! How did you end up fixing it?
  5. Tommy

    Monty Oum

    It's always sad to see anyone pass on. Peace will always be with him now.
  6. Did you check to see if any of the missions say that you haven't completed them on Legendary?
  7. Were you connected to XbL? Because just playing the game before then won't give you it, you have to be connected.
  8. Probably DDR. Or Stepmania when it comes to playing on my computer.
  9. Congratulations everyone who made the list! Make the forums proud by continuing to bring warmth to the community!
  10. Esto parece estar sucediendo con mucha gente, podría ser un problema con el juego completo. Todo lo que puedo decirte que probar es volver a instalar el juego. Si eso no funciona, entonces no tengo ni idea! Espero que ayude!
  11. Not an expert on this, but it sounds like the game-save file is corrupted. Have you tried to play to that point again and does it do the same thing? Or have you just kept trying to restart? The best guess for you would be to start fresh and try it again. If that doesn't work then you might need to reinstall the game. If THAT doesn't work, then I'm thinking you have a faulty game.
  12. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/023/7/b/mrkittensandgibberish_by_bronyswag-d8f581g.png
  13. Just like The Director said. People over-used these and it almost became the topic of everything. As stated though, the biggest problem was the way over the top sexualization of these things, especially because this isn't an adult-only forum (Speaking merely in terms of age). We have MANY members that are below 18 and honestly that's just in bad taste. Just read the rules and you won't have to worry about anything!
  14. Congratulations! When someone turns purple, it shows that you are actually taking the time to become part of the community. So thanks for being here and contributing to this site!
  15. This looks absolutely awesome! I can't wait for those glasses!
  16. Adding more mechanics to a game increases the skill it takes. You honestly don't think about the skill to use sprint effectively, or about using reload times to your advantage. Game advancement is what keeps you playing. The reason Halo 3 isn't played much anymore is because it's 8 years old. They're not going to copy and paste games because that would defeat the purpose of making a new game.
  17. This is what betas are for, to make sure everything like that is balanced. I'm positive that will be fixed when the game is actually released!
  18. Never snow, Chicago snow is horrible. Would you rather be teleported into an anime or teleported into superhero movie?
  19. Haha that doesn't even make sense! Well I'm glad you got it all figured out!
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