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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. You'll run into words that make no sense as to why they are considered "profanity", but posting on this site won't do you much help because we're just a community forum. The best advice I can give you is to make another name, or just change the way you spell it!
  2. Games will always be advancing. Some games will have things that others don't, and vise versa. That's basically saying that all FPS are the same, or even going beyond that and saying that all First Person games are the same. As games advance, they'll add things that others have because it becomes detrimental to the advancement. For example, CoD had sprinting before Halo, then Halo ended up getting the sprint feature. A game that also received a sprint feature later on was Minecraft. I know that example is pretty bland, but it was just an easy one. I think that they might be trying too much at once, but it's what people ask for and then afterwards people complain. It's honestly just like politics, you can only please half.
  3. I've surprisingly have been hearing a lot of really good things about the beta, pretty crazy seeing that for a while all I've been hearing is negativity towards Halo. I'm glad that this is something that is really appealing to the close fan base and from what I hear, it sounds like it feels like Halo more than anything. Halo will forever be Halo, and Call of Duty will forever be Call of Duty haha.
  4. Very thoughtful of you! You're the type of person that makes a forum more than just a message board, it becomes a community of people who respect and sincerely appreciate each other. Thanks for being here and sticking around!
  5. I've been hearing a lot of good things from this beta. It seems that people actually realize that this is a beta haha and not a full game. It's nice to hear some good things pertaining to Halo for a change haha
  6. Because it's a very symmetrical map. It's a map where no matter where you start, you don't have an advantage over the opposing player.
  7. Not a bad Q&A, especially because your answered are pretty detailed. I think it would be nice to have a FAQ for this beta and more people should contribute!
  8. The way they created MCC is pretty new compared to other games. They shoved 4 games into 1 game and as a result, they had many flaws. Obviously money is important to companies, but it wasn't intentional that they released a game with so many problems. That being said, it's not as if they're doing nothing. I can assure you that they are working their tails off trying to get this game fixed to live up to its name. I realize that it sometimes feels like the updates don't fix much, but they're throwing those in to make the game at least playable while they make an update that will be more serious. Updates and fixes don't happen overnight, and because this game had no beta they just weren't prepared.
  9. Patching takes some time. It's not just an easy five minute fix. When problems like this occur it takes serious patchwork and constant recoding and compiling while trying to make sure all of it is compatible with the original code. Sometimes it involves them starting from scratch. Give them enough time to get everything set up. They're releasing small patches here and there as much as they can to make sure that you can actually play it, all while working on the main issues. I would give them at least a month longer before you see the game all patched up and working!
  10. There's more to fixing these things then you think. It's not like they can type a couple things in and everything will be fixed. It sometimes involves completely scraping something and rewriting, followed by purchases new equipment such as servers which take time to ship and configure.
  11. In my opinion this is what happens when you do put out some sort of public beta. I haven't looked much into it, but I don't recall ever hearing about them doing a large private beta of any sort.
  12. http://gaming.logitech.com/en-us/product/moba-gaming-mouse-g302 Very affordable. Not sure how much it is overseas. Here's the link again. http://gaming.logitech.com/en-gb/product/moba-gaming-mouse-g302 That's more region specific.
  13. There's no problem with your name. Honestly it's not even bad haha. I've seen some ridiculous gamertags in my life
  14. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/330/1/0/animeaddict_sigg_by_bronyswag-d87td4j.png
  15. Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. Not even just anime or video games when it comes to VR. Imagine the other possibilities with it and how it could become so much more. Think about how colleges could make VR classrooms where instead of you getting up and going to class, you literally just put on some NerveGear and you're in your class. (Imagine how awesome it would be to be the professor teaching that class haha, they literally wake up and put on their VR gear and then they're in class.) If something like SAO style VR became to exist, it would change the world in more ways then possible. With calculations and sensors on the body, they could see how certain things react to the body without actually hurting you or physically testing something on you. Also with everything, people are bound to find negatives, so why even worry about them right now?
  17. I'd be all for it if there was some others
  18. The vertical writing with this font wont work. Any other way you want me to do it?
  19. Gahh I'll have to wait for the 360 version D:
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