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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. I'm not sure what you mean, you didn't post a youtube or facebook image. You mean like these? I would use different ones, I am just clarifying
  2. Does it not fold? It kind of looks really big and if it doesn't fold, then it seems that it would take up so much space. Honestly, not sure how I feel about this
  3. Tommy

    NEW Halo 4 DLC?

    Wowww. 343i goes hard with how quick they throw stuff in the game!
  4. Definitely too big, it should be around 200px x 200 px and everything should work fine!
  5. Tommy

    Halo 3 PC

    I've never been a big PC gamer myself, but I would definitely like to see more Halo games on PC! People always come out with super cool mods and whatnot!
  6. I would like for them to focus on the new ones right now before making another anniversary. Maybe after a couple more Halos I would like to see it!
  7. I would love this! It would be a blast to play DLC with all different gametypes!
  8. Looks interesting! Once I get Live again I would love to try this out!
  9. I always give the marines the power weapons! In Halo 2 with rocket launchers they have bottomless clip and instant homing. SO OP!
  10. I might actually get this, I never played Borderlands or Borderlands 2 but all my friends love them!
  11. I know that Fallout 3: GOTY sold a crap ton of copies, because of how good of a price it was.
  12. Sounds good! I mean, I wouldn't buy it but the game of the year editions usually sell really well!
  13. Congrats! You'll make a great site mod!
  14. I thought we got lucky (; I use a 36" 1080p Insignia
  15. Without a doubt the Forerunners. They have serious home field advantage and knowledge that surpasses the knowledge of the UNSC by ten fold. The Convenant are a threat, but nothing compared to Promethians.
  16. Congrats! But threads like this should be posted in the off beat!
  17. Adding on to Azaxx Last time I checked, you don't actually get a perfection medal in game, it just shows up in your commendations.
  18. Tommy

    halo 4 banners

    Wow, that's a lot of banners!
  19. Welcome to the forums!
  20. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/237/e/2/lil_dog_forum_sig_by_bronyswag-d6jpyjo.png I tried to make the background look like it's sticking out but I'm not too sure how to do that If you want anything added or changed let me know
  21. Welcome to this magnificent forums!
  22. Well, I'm pretty sure you can't pre order it anymore. ):
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