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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. Granted, the world is now in pieces. I wish for A better fan
  2. Granted, but it slips out of his hand and slices him up. I wish I had every pineapple.
  3. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/198/3/0/donut_sig_by_bronyswag-d6du7m8.jpg That's correct
  4. Ohhhhh, so no one is using regular game types anymore?
  5. That's awesome! It took forever to load but that's such a cool concept!
  6. Granted, but you die for everyone else's selfish problems. I wish to not be Jesus.
  7. I don't believe it either, that whole situation was so broad and open that it blew my mind lol.
  8. Going to see Pacific Rim :P

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL



      Did you know they decided to blow up my city in the process?

    2. Donut


      xD It was a pretty epic movie. Lots of explosions and epic stuff :P

    3. Tommy


      It was pretty awesome!

  9. I mean, there are already a bunch of software that in theory does the same thing, it's just photoshop has a lot of plugins and features that are specific to it.
  10. I think they are letting you buy a subscription on CS6 but I think CS7 is going to be entirely subscription.
  11. Awoken, they look awesome. They glow like the stars
  12. Just so EVERYONE IS AWARE. The signature shop is indeed OPEN... Just thought I'd point that out haha
  13. The gameplay was amazing! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than GTA 4, they left so much out on that game!
  14. Granted, but turns out the aliens are just humans in costume. I wish for a bipolar kitten.
  15. It's a bummer because it takes so long to get comfortable with their software, then they make it so expensive. o.o Even more expensive than it already was.
  16. The Matrix games on PS2. I just can't get enough of them
  17. Granted, but it kills you. I wish for a million dollars
  18. Halo Reach would be fun too play again with a bunch of people!
  19. Make sure you downloaded the new Spartan ops episodes
  20. Could you be a little bit more specific?
  21. Granted, but he drops his pastels on the server drive. I wish for a new blankie
  22. Granted, but everyone else just lost it. I wish for a llama.
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