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Bobo Magroto

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Everything posted by Bobo Magroto

  1. **nods** Your welcome, friend
  2. My results as of Monday 30/1/2012 KEY (Game mode: Head shot kills:Total kills - Percentage) Invasion: 1:3 - 33% Competitive: 45:76 - 59.21% Firefight: 832:2,767 - 30.06% Custom: 1:4 - 25% OVERALL TOTAL: 879:2,850 OVERALL PERCENTAGE: 30.84% >< Thats my grade... I have the "Church Complex" Though truthly, the large amount of usage with the sniper rifle is when Im making maps on forge, its makes a great survering tool
  3. All time Favourite : Gauss Hog, ((even though I drive)) Because of the speed and how the hog is so maneuverable, also the projectile goes a high speed and has good amount of power for quick killing targets (plus they can't escape at times). Also donest OVH like the AA Turret and faster reload and projectile speed than the Rocket hog Like the Falcon for the air, though prefer to be the pilot of the dam thing, can pull some good evade moves on it MONGOOSE FOR RECON!!! ^^
  4. Its only the Helmet with two choices of Attachments CE and Reach MK.V's are the same, it just looks different because of visually designed and shown between the 10 years period of CE and Reach
  5. This Boy's In Love - The Presets
  6. You Will Never Walk Alone - Point of Grace (This was a song a lady friend shown me. Always reminded me of her)
  7. Bounty Update: NEW BOUNTY - 119,419,624

  8. My username (Here and anywhere): Bobo Magroto is based on a nickname that was given to me BOBO: At first it was a reference to a character from a tv show, but alot of people call me that since high school, My actual name is 'Beau', but everyone likes or always say my name twice, so I pretty much went with Bobo MAGROTO: This was an 'add-on' surname to Bobo from a friend in high school, because it rhymes with 'Bobo' and after hearing alot, a thought occured anf it suits the full 'nick'name so went with it Since 2003(?) to the present, Bobo Magroto has been my nickname and username
  9. Only uses the Sniper Rifle as a surveyors instrument

  10. Maybe thats what I got, I was unsure what the scanerio was, and I thought it was ban-hammered, guess I was wrong there. Because my last MM was before November and since then, I've been unable to play MM or get access to the server. Even tested a more power internet connection, I only get a better NAT Type, everything elses is nil
  11. Okay, I can still get credits, just can't get online. I wasn't sure If i got a ban-boot or not, which was why I asked Thanks though
  12. Im unsure if I have a ban listed on my name, Is it possible to know if I have? Last online MM was 29.11.2011 GT: Bobo Magroto
  13. Be a bit dark to see it, mix with the effects and try it out ^^
  14. Jordan fades back, swoosh, and THAT'S THE GAME!

  15. Nice information here, Donut Im prototype effects at the moment, done something with Colisuem: using the "Juicy" and "Purple" effects to give it a pitch darkness (I mean like wicked dark, can't see s***), Though it dusk-ish outside, give some minor lighting effects (Like use Lights, Power up orbs and change the team colour on the Structure to Blue (best preferred woth the purple effect), it almost gives it the feel of the Vault at the end Assassins Creed: Brotherhood Looks alright, would recommend giving to a go
  16. Heres one of my personal favourites, its not mine, but Its full of awesome win http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFtRIJoXGAk Kills his enemies, LIKE A BOSS
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