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Bobo Magroto

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Everything posted by Bobo Magroto

  1. Making The Drone Ver 2.0

  2. Would love to take this track for a spin ^^
  3. Good personal touch 9/10 ~~~~~ http://bobomagroto.deviantart.com/art/4-SPARTAN-Beau-S-226-358627285 https://spartans.svc.halowaypoint.com/players/Bobo%20Magroto/h4/spartans/fullbody?target=large
  4. Needs to be more active, too many people, alot of misses

  5. Haven't yet, I've been focusing on UNSC Ord Weapons mostly. The only Mastered weapons under my belt are the Plasma Grenade and the Gravity Hammer, soon the Energy Sword
  6. 82. Talking trash to female gamers (Remember children, girls are gamers too, you respect them)
  7. Guess taking a bit of break from Halo was worth it, I got a competitive mojo back

  8. Seem to have lost my competitive mojo on Halo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      You still have it old friend. lol

    3. Azaxx


      I have the same thing, just lacking fun after there are little challenges in the game. ):

    4. Bobo Magroto

      Bobo Magroto

      Probably lost my mojo because I got too much stuff going on in my mind... just been thinking with whats going on in my life, than starting to think of people I miss... alot

  9. Think Comm. Palmer is a bit on of a harden soldier, I think thats why she so B****y near Halsey when Lasky requests she be transferred to the Infinity. Though I hope the event AFTER the encounter with the librarian makes her reconsider the assassination order from HIGHCOM (Lord knows Lasky did) Plus if it wasn't for Halsey (even though there wrong to most levels), Sarah Palmer wouldn't even be a Spartan, she'd still be a lowly marine (BTW Im not bashing Palmer, just saying some truth)
  10. 73: Being Showstopped by your assassination victim (Believe me, ITS HAPPENED!)
  11. I'm so enjoy this, Im on the edge of my seat!
  12. the first part of the final stage was awesome as... Still waiting for Peppy to appear and say "Do a Barrel Roll!"
  13. Think it was people that were playing Halo 3 online before the Bungie to 343i Transfer, if you missed out... well, Vidmaster awaits
  14. Decided to show off some pictures and photos I've been doing for a social app on iPhone called Instagram, My little haven for toy and action figure photos ^^ Here some of my Halo related photoes for now, I can post others too if they like. But here's some for starters Blue Spartan-II on a Chopper Bike Master Chief with Ayanami Rei on a Chopper bike Samurai Noble Six Master Chief with the Doctor (Part of a random series I should get back into) Noble Six's final stand That's all for now, If you like to see more, just let me know. OR you can always follow me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook (But bear in mind I have been doing alot of Miku Hatsune photos) Hope you guys like ^^
  15. Your best why to beat Halo on Legendary is understand the game, the enemies and weapons. I don't know If I can guide this one on Enemies like I did for Reach. But basically rules still apply, DON'T RUSH, use the right weapon for the job, keep an eye on your surroundings and plan ahead and don't rage when you get killed repeatedly, you need a calm, cool and focused mind to beat this
  16. I enjoyed both Starcraft games, though I'm always playing turtle defense when I play the games. But still, I really enjoy the game
  17. Composer was my bane... I'm glad to get it done though
  18. Wow, Love the outview Hope the inside looks epic too
  19. Just either find or make a custom target range map
  20. I should do the same for Halo 4 (Have a target range made for Reach) Its the best thing to do, always good for some practice
  21. Thats true too, BR is the foundation to SWAT
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