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Bobo Magroto

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Everything posted by Bobo Magroto

  1. Attempts, Hours and Popped Brain blood vessels... (But when I get the drop and they don't get, that's the big **** me moment) But yeah, I was happy to get the Achievement... so damn happy :')
  2. A Bottle of Water... I maybe screwed unless I make a batch of Splash Potion of Healings
  3. 55. Being overconfided (The worst way to die) "LETS GET EM!" *You surrounded by four enemies and get Stuck* "..... ****! " *Boom!*
  4. I may not be in the States, but I think it may want to be enforced... All those innocent deaths have to be a BIG wake up call
  5. Pretty much what Strange said, You need to complete ALL levels on Legendary and have them registered into the Commendations Did Solo Knight Legendary and I got the MK VI straight up
  6. Not really worried, personally sometimes on VERY rare, I have bail on games because of stuff going on, on the outside Though missing out on XP would suffice enough for penalty, and the join in system, always manages to even things out again if there are any bailjumpers
  7. I have two maps set up for this Achievement, one where every Achievement is possible, except for Leader of the Pack, any needs help on them, PM me here
  8. I wouldnt say Hardest, But the Solo Legendary Achievements for Reach and 4 took some time getting, but being a Solo Knight, it wasn't a big problem for me in terms of Achievement difficulty, but my bane was If They Came To Hear Me Beg , I lost count of how many times I died to drop bear an Elite
  9. Most look promising, have to go preorder some of those
  10. Be going to town when that happens, I know I will

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Azaxx


      Oh god, why did I read that as Furry. As in....furries ^^;

    3. Bobo Magroto

      Bobo Magroto

      Because you are a silly boy, Az

    4. Grif.


      i love grifball!!

  12. Had wisdom tooth removed, currently status for Playdates and fourm appearances are unknown for a week (postage be kept)

    1. Azaxx


      Sorry about the toof! That's never fun.

  13. Nothing wrong with alot of the new helmets in the game, and EOD followed on Chronologically Just be thankful that some of the old school ones still exist in the game like EOD, Scout and Recon (Plus MK VI)
  14. New S-OPS for Halo 4 is out

  15. Oooo. I like this, its very detailed and well done
  16. My lastest picture of myself, taken in Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan in November 2012 in front of their Halo 4 Advertisement BOOYEAH!
  17. Becoming an Dedicated Achievement Hunter....worth it

    1. Sarge


      Did you get all the achievements for halo 4? If so welcome to the club ;)

  18. Currently rocking for 2 years now (give or take) with a gamerscore (as of 13/1/2013) = 23698 G Side note - 5 games with 100% achievements
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