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Bobo Magroto

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Everything posted by Bobo Magroto

  1. Haunter used LICK It's super effective
  2. I ban ye: Jestermeister Because he didn't ban skumms (But I do approve his banning of Azaxx )
  3. Cheers for the guide, Director. I managed to get all the achievements to the game... Took forever for the on the rail Thanks man
  4. THE JERBUTA MUST BE BANNED..... Because he thought the 343iBot was a cake ~~~~ ...
  5. http://playxbla.com/minecraft-360-edition-gets-even-better-tomorrow/ latest news
  6. Becoming a shadow

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bobo Magroto

      Bobo Magroto

      Whens the last time you saw me here?

    3. Azaxx


      i dunno, i don't have a spreadsheet of when i last see members ;D

    4. Spyro


      I saw you last week


  7. With Minecraft pictures, you can get them clearer and more detailed when you share them from your Xbox360 to your Facebook wall. Heres three pictures of my house on my own server "World 226" FRONT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2F
  8. Favorite Female: Have no fav Reason: Because they all rock!
  9. Forgot to mention that the Scorpion has better traction control than the Wraith I prefer the Scropion because of its 360 movement with the cannon and its straight fire, and its traction control because it can take on the a slope and not fail unlike the Wraith, stops halfway and back down, plus since it doesnt have the boost, you don't run risks with Betrayals if you need to high tail it out of the heat
  10. Why are you super confused? I just explained all here
  11. UPDATE: Bounty increased to 128,422,260 - Explantion of bounties is here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/9719-my-bounties/

  12. For those of you have seen my status and signature on here about Bounty and wondering what is it all about, I may as well give you the lowdown Results as of June 3rd, 2012 My Bounty is basically all my files from Need for Speed games that involue Police Departments (Rockport PD, Palmont PD, Tri-City PD and Seacrest County PD). It basically started with "Most Wanted" Because I didn't want to lose track of my first one and I started numourous files out of boredom, then Carbon and Undercover came out and the end result was right there. As it increased it was recorded on my PC and after a few loss due to corruption, it was a saver to have all that recorded and archived Just hope this clears up any to all confusion I have created, and thanks for your time
  13. Shame I didn't stay around for that
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