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Everything posted by Sarge

  1. Congrats on the 4k posts man!
  2. Use the spoiler BBCODE incase people are just looking for reviews!
  3. The reason I made this thread is because I want to hear how yall feel about the movie do you love it /hate it or just tell us your favorite part of the movie. For example: Last night I went to see the Hobbit. And, I'll just start off saying that it is possibly one of the best movies I've seen, It's been rated a 8.7 out of 10 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0903624/.) This movie brings me back to the time whenever I first saw Lord of the Rings what I mean by this is that it fits right with all of the other movies wonderfully. If you are going to post your favorite part of the movie use the special BBcode spoiler to mask it! Alright, I don't know if there is already a discussion going on about this movie if so AD would you delete this thread.
  4. really sounds like the spartans and persians in 300 lol
  5. nope ANDDD we've got a winner: xXRC BossXx Sykowolf - 7 DigitalVirus - 5 Zero3366 - 2 SternuS - 2 The Director - 2 VaultingFrog - 2 Taffbag - 1 Sarge. - 1 xXRC BossXx -1
  6. No that's my speech for winning lol. Here's my riddle it ain't the best but its my first: I kill anything you hold dear with no remorse towards you Never understanding who or what I am Only what I have to do Who/what am I
  7. maybe frigate? or a promethean ship or a covenant ship.
  8. I'd really like to see that video
  9. its probably just something with his internet I'd restart my router and try again. Or maybe your friends have walmart connections
  10. Of course sign me up: xpghxassassianx
  11. this looks epic! Did you see that dead body in pictures 2/3 lol
  12. I'll be the first to say thanks for serving our country and I'll see you when you get back.
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