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Everything posted by M4STERCH3F

  1. Cortana: Halo its.. finished Master Chief: No its only just begun Thats probably my favorite quote from Combat Evolved, sounds kool, so thats probably why its my favorite.
  2. It aint easy being Green

    1. FIREN4


      How you think i feel?

    2. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      ...The incredible Hulk understands :P

    3. M4STERCH3F


      @ FIREN4 Horrible Just like ME

  3. It will be interesing to see how Halo 4 zombies stacks up against Cod zombies in terms of replay and fun i wonder if theyll put in pack a punch type of system where u can upgrade ur BR or ur AR etc. except halo is differnet because its not limited to realism beings as its more over a future game and cod is a here and now game and is got the relaism aspect they could do more things for the zombie mode in halo and make it ten times more fun in halo than it ever was in cod 5 or black ops.
  4. I actually thought this was going to be a scam but no this is legit
  5. Cortana makes me angry, she always gives me headaches and says things that confuse the hell out of me, im pretty sure shes just on her period though. >>> [media=''] [/media]
  6. waffles... fries...And Combat Evolved....MMMMM

  7. Man Im pretty excited for Halo 4 now The menu looked pretty Kool.
  8. Firefight gives me bad memories, i remember being so close to having recon just one achivement away....DAMN you gravity hammer !!!!!!


    @ spectral Jester..... Yeah good times .. good times
  10. M4STERCH3F


    Getting banned sucks whats worse is when u get banned from a game of Matchmaking in slayer for running over 5 of your teammates in a row and u could still swear to god that it was an accident, i mean afterall accidents do happen, right?
  11. Im gonna go with Brutes just becuase Brutes kick ass, besides that where is the option for Recon ??? jk jk
  12. Damn i loved that map, personally i think it could have done alot for Halo CE Anniverasry oh well theres other classic maps, Avalanche is always fun.
  13. Im excited for this game and i think its fine just the way it is the graphic upadte was nice also the co op over Xbox live was nice im not whining at all.
  14. Im gonna go with next generation defentiley, we've already seen great classic halo games now its time to move forward into the next gen.
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