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Everything posted by Dredica

  1. I'm not saying they're not balanced. They're all balanced when comparing them all together. But the damage that the balanced state is at is too high and too fast. Am I making sense now? The weapons are balanced, but that balanced state is too lethal. It's like if two boxers both recieved heavy dosages of steroids. Yes, they're balanced, but in the grand scheme of things, they're still overpowered all together.
  2. I would disagree with this on some levels. The problem with what Bnus said is that "if they get the shot on me first". That's how it is in every FPS except for Halo, or rather, the Halo games before this Halo. Whoever gets shot first is the one who is going to die. In Halo 2 or 3, if you were strategic enough it didn't matter if you got the first shot in or not. A person coming at you close range with a BR, no matter if they shot you first, is going to die if you're strategically dual wielding a Plasma Rifle and SMG. Plasma Rifle takes down shields quickly, SMG puts that armor piercing work in fast. The problem with Halo 4/the default weapons is that if the scenario were the exact same, the person dual wielding would die simply because they were shot at first. The bloom in Halo 4 isn't present enough to determine who was more skill. I remember in Halo: Reach's DMR battles, it hardly ever mattered who shot first, as long as you watched your rectile and were the better rifleman, you came out victorious. The same can't be said for Halo 4. The problem with Halo 4's multiplayer isn't that the weapons are overpowered individually, it's that all the default weapons deal too much damage too quickly and they're all extremely easy to use and require little to no skill. It's not that one default weapon is more powerful than the others, it's that they're all too powerful altogether.
  3. I've played Halo multiplayer online since Halo 2, so please don't let my noob status as a member of this forum interfere with what I have to say. I personally agree and disagree that the AR is overpowered. I agree because, in comparison to the other Halo games, the default weapons of Halo 4 deal way too much damage in a short amount of time. I feel like the AR is balanced when considering its damage in comparison to other defaults, but really it feels like all of the defaults are a bit too powerful. The BR is overused and can take you out in a matter of seconds. While fans pleaded and begged for the BR to come back, I feel as if the damage it deals makes it seem like it should've been left out in comparison to the DMR. I know I'll get hate for saying that the DMR is better than the BR in any way shape or form, but the bloom and the damage the DMR dealt made gameplay extremely balanced online. You actually had to be good with the DMR to use it, which I highly appreciated. The BR now can take you out in 3 shots, and anyone can use it. Also, the pacing of combat in Halo 4 is remarkably faster than that of the other Halo games. It feels like a normal shooter now, where if you go out you can expect to get murdered almost instantly. The movement of the Spartans is too fast it seems, and the rate of fire of the weapons and the damage they deal just make the gameplay feel so fast, but not so much in a competitive way, more like an overwhelming way. Truth be told, Team Doubles is far more balanced in my opinion because even though the combat is still fast, the amount of enemies shooting at you at once is inevitably less, therefore making the combat less overwhelming. And again, the overwhelming part of combat is that you can go one on one with someone and kill them, but they've taken your shields down, and with the new automatic respawn system that's been implemented, your enemy can respawn almost instantly, thus giving them the opportunity to kill you before your shields recharge. That type of combat is way too fast and overwhelming. The fun about Halo, to me anyway, is the battle to survive. But that's taken away whenever the weapons, even if they're balanced with each other, can take you out incredibly fast. Whereas a weakness in most FPS' are that the superweapons are overpowered, I feel as if the default weapons are overpowered. The superweapons in Halo 4 are absolutely fantastic, though map placement is a must for Halo 5. And to take away the credibility of everything I've said so far, bring back the dual wielding. I know everyone misses the Plasma Rifle and SMG dual wield. You had to be smart about your weapon choice, which I miss. Sorry this is such a long response.
  4. I'm new to this forum, but definitely not a noob. I go on another forum for a different game, so please don't pass me off as a noob. Anyway, I've really wanted to get a Matchmaking Team together too. I'm sick of playing with players who get negative twenty K/D spreads and I have to drag the whole team, only to have them all get destroyed at the end of the match. Basically, I want someone either as good as me or better. I suppose my gaming behavior is Lone Wolf, but that's because staying wtih a team you get randomly matched up with in MM is pratically suicide. God forbid they don't throw EVERY SINGLE grenade they have and end up giving so, so many kills to the enemy team. My tool of destruction is DMR, so at least you know I don't ***** rockets or anything. My K/D spread is 1.26 I think, but that's because my brother played for one day, my K/D spread before he got on was 1.48. That's just overall K/D spread. Not exactly sure why it doesn't go up that much, my K/D spread is usually between 10-15. To be honest, I'm more concered about my K/D spread than how many kills I get...which doesn't make that much sense, but in other words I'm definitely not going to let the team kill me unless it's like 2v4. This is a lot of useless information I guess, but I'm just really, really pissed off at the community of Halo and sick of getting teamed up with clueless players. My gamertag is Dredica, so please give me a message on Live if you're interested.
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