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M4sT3r Ch13f S117

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Everything posted by M4sT3r Ch13f S117

  1. I'M AM OVER EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is your favorite game that is not a Halo Game?
  2. Um.....................................................Eat WYR play BF3 or MW3.(They are actually okay)
  3. This video is weird and why we shouldn't take drugs.
  4. I got to meet Toni Tanti the Ex Vancouver Canuck who was pretty good.
  5. Hard but the Big Bang Theory. What is your favorite thing about this Forum(Can't choose everything)?
  6. Hey you forgot to answer mine. WYR meet a celebrity or Bill Gates?
  7. Sorry but have a good life and maybe come back.
  8. Lol a little creepy Glad that you are staying Noah.
  9. Welcome back Director almost forgot a about you, just kidding who would forget you.
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