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M4sT3r Ch13f S117

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Everything posted by M4sT3r Ch13f S117

  1. I am sending you a friend Request today. I am SpartanXLaZer7 so don't kick me off your friends list.
  2. Yeah so what if they are better than you. you don't have to complain about them. I play with my Mexican Friend while He is the host and nothing is wrong. Maybe it is your connection?
  3. I prefer The Br In most situations so the BR.
  4. If you want a Clan Battle I'll verse you.
  5. I would like some HUMAN vehicles not Covenant in Halo 3
  6. 7.5/10 good song. You forgot to Rate My song. :thumbdown: The URL might not work but here it is. It helps to skip to 00:21 seconds. Hope you like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flpD27M3oEE
  7. I am a commander grade 2 in my current profile but am a General in my other 2 profiles. In Halo Reach a Hero. If you send me a friend Request I will give you more Info. GT: SpartanXLaZer7
  8. I hate the credit ban but it makes sense in MOST situations.
  9. Yeah He was on there at least 12 times. He has skills.
  10. I am currently on Season 4 episode 12. It is truly amazing. You might like Red vs Blue Also
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