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M4sT3r Ch13f S117

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Everything posted by M4sT3r Ch13f S117

  1. I was just wondering what do you guys like to do in ur spare time. I like to play Halo and other video games.I also like playing sports like soccer and hockey.
  2. Hi dog. Can' t help you with the chicks sorry . Do you love Dogs I do!
  3. Take care come back soon so we can meet. PS. Red vs Blue is the BEST.
  4. Like they said its really cool except i don't love the shoulders.
  5. Sgt. Johnson,343 guilty spark ( So there could be a twist or something), and Sgt. Forge
  6. Hope you get your school work done so u can get back on here. Miss ya
  7. If you know how to sell things on a bidding site or E bay you should because you can probably make like around 100$ a painting. You are a awesome artist and i have no criticism.
  8. You guys have pretty good tastes in food. GO TACOS
  9. I just wanted to know what ur favorite food is. Mine is TACOS.
  10. 7.5/10 I can't get the Url but time of dying by Three Days Grace
  11. He is already waiting for try outs for our clan sorry next time
  12. Oh ya we are having a clan battle soon so u might want to send me a friend request so u can participate in the battle that me in PH4NTOM'S clan are organizing.
  13. My clan is also interested in a 5v5 in if possible. My GT is SpartanXLaZer7.
  14. Okay we do MLG sometimes and send me a Friend request and I will give you more Info.It doesn't matter but do you have a Mic ? GT. SpartanXLaZer7
  15. Yes they do need a pelican or some sort of flying vehicle that can transport 6 men including the pilot that would give halo a real military feel.
  16. Hey where is the Video or can someone post the URL can't find it anywhere please HELP!
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