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M4sT3r Ch13f S117

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Everything posted by M4sT3r Ch13f S117

  1. In my opinion there should be no armor abilities but I also think sprint and jet pack or thrusters should be on every loud out. Another Idea I think would make the game more fun is if the Armour you choose to wear actually did methionine to you performance. Like Heavy Armour like Georges collar breacher should be able to take more damage then say a scouts (jun Armour). And if you have sniper shoulders more sniper ammo or things along the lines of that. Just my opinion.
  2. Hey, my clan is looking to recruit someone that is talented in forge. Your high rank is just a bonus. If you are interested in joining my clan contact me (message or friend request) over the x box 360 my Gamer tag is SpartanXLaZer7. We would be delighted to have you join our clan.
  3. Send me friend request over your x box so we can get a clan battle up and running. (scheduled). And or have a arrangement for rules etc.
  4. I want to be a beta tester also.
  5. Halo 3 in my opinion destroys reach and Skyrim is BEAST
  6. I love Halo 3 and if they make it so i cant go on live i will never play Halo 3 again
  7. Sorry i haven't been on lately so I might post on your Forum today or tomorrow can't do it right now cause I have to go to school.
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