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M4sT3r Ch13f S117

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Everything posted by M4sT3r Ch13f S117

  1. Again I am not 100% sure but speculation about this race on most of the sites anyways started up just a little while before Halo 4 was announced. Perhaps a set up I'm not sure. Either way cant wait until NOVEMBER 6. If you have any more questions or information please post.
  2. I am not sure if it is fan fiction or not but the wording sounds professional. Again I am not sure but if you Google search Halo Nelkrons there will be multiple hits with the same description. However, I believe it would be a new threat like no other. Furthermore, If they were freed from the first firing they would have had plenty of time to re-populate and rebuild. Which would mean they would be a very advanced civilization of beings that would be very difficult to defeat. If they are the new enemy it would lead off a new trilogy and a new milestone for Halo. Remembering this is just speculation and non of this has been confirmed. Keep posting.
  3. I have been looking or browsing the Internet to see any new things about Halo 4 but every once in a while I find something about a species called Nelkrons. I am not sure if they actually exist. However I was able to find a description on them. The following is quoted: " Nelkrons are an ancient enemy of the fore-runners, but were eventually defeated and all trapped inside a giant prison until the halo array fired which freed them. The nelkrons are biomechanical life forms with the power to convert energy to matter and matter to energy at will. They are able to mutate into any form they want, but their appearance generally esembles a mechanical humanoid with a birdlike head. Somewhat similar to the myrs from magic the gathering." On other sources I have heard that they have re-populated on sigma 7. Again I am not sure if this is true or if they even exist but if you have any information or here say about them please post. Also here is a shadowy figure/image I was ale to find I am not sure what is is. Also look closley at image and study for a few seconds it is a little hard to see. You should not have any problems though. http://www.halo4news...lol-300x277.jpg If they were the new enemy I believe they would look something like this which is a Myr from magic gathering cards: http://www.google.co...:14,s:271,i:203
  4. Oh ya 1000 posts!Not much to say here but thank you Twam for creating this awesome site and thank you to all of the moderators for keeping this place clean.Next up 2000!
  5. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you think Halo 4 will be bad?(I hope it is amazing,wait,it's a Halo game so it has got to be amazing.)
  6. We'll miss you Shadow.Come back ASAP.
  7. Wow Congrats! I was ahead of you by like 500 but you beat me!
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