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Everything posted by RANMAN10

  1. I don't think they can bring back the DMR for the better. If they wanna do anything for the better weapon-wise, they'd have the BR return. I've been thinking, and what they could've done is taken away the BR so we'd want it, so that when 343 was introduced they could bring it back and that would be a 'warm welcome' and we'd like them more. -OR because they knew EVERYONE would buy it if it includes the BR. *MARKETING*
  2. Then share the video if you know where it is -RANMAN
  3. Have you ever played a prank on someone on Halo? Or have you had a prank be played on you? If you have, share what happened below! I'll start: Funniest thing EVER. XD When I was 10 years old I started a custom game lobby on Halo 2 on the map Warlock- (Snowy version of Blackout) ok before I actually tell the story I'm gonna tell everyone in case they didn't play Halo 2 that in the center top of the map there was a glass tile that you could see through the ceiling into the floor below. I started up a lobby and within minutes I was able to have a completely full game of people. (All which were older than me XD) Despite me being either 9 or 10, -I cant remember- I convinced everyone that if everyone stood in a circle around the glass tile that it would break if we all shot it at the same time. ...but only with Rocket Launchers. XD I got EVERYONE. EVERYONE. -to stand in a circle all on top of the tile hoping to see the glass shatter beneath their feet. I stood on top of them all, counted to 3, and right before I said 2 I jumped off of them, in mid-air stuck the middle guy with a sticky grenade, and when I said 3 I got a Killionaire! The rest of the game was filled with the gametype change from 'Slayer' to 'Lets kill RANMAN'. XDDDD
  4. Microsoft should have their own line of headphones, they'd make them amazing
  5. Me dancing because we have proof--> <--- Absolute Dog wanting to kill himself for showing us XD
  6. -I'll trust any guy with humanity who can shoot lasers out of his butt by the change of a thought! XD
  7. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_ezXfXwVkn3k/TT8UNiICFOI/AAAAAAAAAGA/YjLrwYMf7Es/s1600/ih_battle+rifle01c.jpg
  8. This from the guy I found that's the lead concept artist for Bungie. This was the process that the DMR went through. There's no telling what the gun will be/look like. I highly doubt they'll make another BR replacement though.
  9. If Halo 4 doesn't have a BR it will highly decrease their sales in the long run. Maybe not THAT much at first, but in the long run if they have people talking about how fun the gameplay is with stuff like the BR they will naturally sell more. The BR was one of the things that gave Halo the good feel to it. We need it back.
  10. Top left might actually work if the humans get ahold of some kind of Forerunner technology in H4. Top right looks more like a cell from Crisis 2 in armor than an Elite. Bottom left looks like it's trying to be mark VII but has less armor (which realistically would make MC MORE vulnerable) Bottom right looks-... like something stupid that they would try to incorporate into Halo Legends, loll. - I probably just made myself seem like I was trying to shoot all your stuff down, but just sharing my opinion. No offense, @RANMAN10
  11. I've never talked to him... hmmm... a fellow Photoshopper... XD Uh, wait. Right?
  12. The Ghost. We already have the technology to make the Warthog so instead of choosing that I'd choose the Ghost so I could sell it, we would learn it's technology, and could use it against them! XD Getting up at 3am every day, or not use 343i.com?
  13. ...when you get in school suspension (Have to stay in a room all day with nothing but work) for saying,"throwing trip mine" right beside your teachers doorway at school when she walks out. ... -___- ... XD (That didn't happen XD)
  14. Profanity... I'm growing very tired of the growing use of profanity on this site... :thumbdown:
  15. called his friendly neighborhood cat, (BY THE NAME OOOOOOOF??? XD)
  16. Ah. you mean near which part of what part of your map. Ok
  17. I'm not trying to put you down at all, but you can't decide where people will spawn if you haven't at least made your general map layout. Just thought I'd say that. Some really vivid and clear advice though! -sorry if I made you mad earlier I was just joking
  18. I heard Master Chief has been said to be making his debut in Halo 4 on a long voyage through the great beyond where he befriends a rainbow-pooping, poptart-bodied feline which he makes his noble steed that he ventures throughout the galaxy with. :sorcerer:
  19. Jesus Loves You - ...Idk XD (-and are you allowed to post multiple comments in a row? I seriously don't know, so I'm asking)
  20. Guesses: Halo 4 Forerunner 343 Guilty Spark Cortana
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