I don't the like how pretty much the ONLY goal you have in Reach is to get new armor. When you have the ranking system like it is, ya it makes not as good players feel better at the game than they really are, but it doesn't show who are the truly good players. In Halo 3 part of the game was about getting armor, and you still had to get it by ranking up, but the ranking engine is what made it so fun. SKILL POINTS. EXPERIENCE POINTS. These are two of the MAIN. ...MAIN components of what made Halo 3 so much fun. ( And the BR ) If they brought back these things rather than just making new armor, we wouldn't care about the armor AS MUCH.
But yes. They should most definitely bring back Detail colors, and add back all the emblems from Halo 3. They should bring back all the cool armor like I bet that Rogue would look amazing with better graphics/more detail, and so would Scout. (I'm not just talking about the shoulder pieces) More visor colors, more Spartan armor, and exponentially more Elite armor with different looks. It looks like under the Elite armor in Reach there's padding or something. ...Idk. Looks fake. XD