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Everything posted by RANMAN10

  1. MMMMMMMM... BREAD I LOOOOOOOOOOVE bread. Fetticini alfredo, or asian sesame chicken?
  2. Europe for the food Japan or New York?
  3. Hey guys, I've been seeing a lot of new people joining the site and constantly having to ask everyone how to do everything. Instead of having every member having to ask how to find their way around the site, I thought it would be a good idea to make a tutorial video. Below, post things that I should include in the video if this is okay with everyone. Thanks for reading and being such an awesome community. God bless you, @RANMAN10
  4. Ya I'd like to make a tutorial video so that newcomers will know what to do.
  5. Coffee, I can't stand tea. WYR live in Washington or Illinoise?
  6. Loll sorry forgot about that possibility. XD Ok, so you were born in 1997 then?
  7. She already said that - KH. Now Ashlynn - Kingdom Key or other? If so, which one?
  8. KAIRIIIIIIIIIIII ALWAYS XD Kingdom Key or other? If so, which one?
  9. Ah. I guess that's one thing different. XD Birthday if you don't mind? (You could PM me)
  10. KINGDOM HEARTS ALL DAY! Sora or Roxas?
  11. Ya! Every Friday night! That way if you miss it one week, you can catch it the next one!
  12. composed of many colors/feelings...
  13. No swag for the rest of my life. Swag only looks good for so long... XD Have tons of swag or be Donut? XDDD
  14. Loll I've modded Minecraft too XDDD What do you play in you youth groups praise band?
  15. Purple cuz I haz swag. XD Blue or silver?
  16. -and then have that date be posted as a banner on the front of the site!
  17. Would you rather get chocolate and a rose for Valentines day, or a song someone wrote for you on Guitar??
  18. I've been thinking, and we should post ways that we can help improve the site as a whole. Whether that be to be more welcoming to newcomers, not using harsh language, or deciding to be more involved in the forums. Below, post ideas that we can all strive towards to help make the site a better place. Thanks for reading, God bless you. Sincerely, @RANMAN10
  19. Ummmm... well you cant really hug yourself... XD WYR have a limited edition $100 Halo 3 controller, or legendary Halo 3?
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