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Everything posted by Snipeside

  1. General. Almost a second grade General. Almost.
  2. Way back in the heat of Halo 3 being popular like nobody's business except for Bungie; SWAT Players who preferred Spartans as opposed to Elites, they would generally call them "Dinos." In my opinion, they show slight characteristics of Dinosaurs, but resemble a classic Elite look and feel. I still believe that they should have been thinner.
  3. It's not like this has never been discussed before. I remember seeing threads most likely very similar or exactly the title asking who they thought was the best pre -each and post-reach era. I'm shocked we're still discussing who are favorite is. If I had to pick, I'd have to pick Noble 6. He stayed behind, and he didn't have to stay which is truly noble.
  4. I believe that they should skip Halo 4, and decide to make something more like a permanent Beta to see if they can live up to what Bungie used to be able to do. After some feedback, they should get on with Halo 4. Yes. Halo 5 is coming.
  5. 120 - 260 Players IF that. The game is far from vibrant, and people claim it's a terrible port from the Xbox version. If you ask me, leave the game be and just remember how you enjoyed back in the day. The PC version is far from vibrant, and it pretty much just broken.
  6. All that needs to be done is make the game available for Live. I see that if this happened, it would compare to the other current releases of the future. Halo 2 is a great game and needs NOT to be touched.
  7. When I first read this, I thought you we're talking about Halo 3. In my eyes, I see ODST as a pretty descent game. I would never re-purchase ODST as Firefight was the only thing that was truly fun before Reach. If you want firefight, Reach is much more superb.
  8. I have my frustrations as well, and yes sometimes I will quit. However, I learned to deal with that about a weak after Reach's release.
  9. Halo 3 beats out all of the ranking styles in my eyes. Reach is all about how much you play, not about how truly good you are. Halo 3 felt perfectly balanced, and not too difficult. Halo 2 was unreal and made it very difficult, but it was easy to view the modders, hackers, or cheaters. Halo 3 wins.
  10. Ive been on an ongoing search for a full party for about two full months. Thread after thread, community after community, "M2AF, M2ARP" and nothing seems to work. Everyone already has a full party to search with, and yet I have nothing. I'm tired of ending up with randoms who jetpack everywhere and AR a mile away. It's just not right. I do NOT have a mic, but I assure you I do not need one. My favorite playlists would have to be Slayer, Doubles, Snipes, Arena & MLG GT: iTz F34R H2o
  11. I agree with you. On topic, the BR was my favorite for many years. Shortly after the Reach Beta, I fell in love with the DMR. When the full game was released, I hated the DMR and just wanted my BR back, and obviously never got it back. I cope with this while playing Halo 3. Reach messes up my H3 skill in every way though.
  12. Your icon rank (which is earned from gaining EXP, also known as "Title Rank." You check your "Service Record" in XBL menu within Halo Wars. It tells you how much EXP you need till your next rank. If your talking about number rank, then every time you search for a match with any given playlist, it tells you directly.
  13. You have to take such an amazing high of goods (a ranking system) to extreme lows (de-rankers and host booters.) I honestly miss those things about Halo 3. I wouldn't mind starting up another booster account for Reach and making me some extra cash
  14. Provide information for what reason? I see no point. This is the internet. Not some life or death situation. I think all of the people who say "Halo IS S0 F4R FR0M DED!" You know what? Thats BULL. It's already dead. Other games have been released since Halo 3 and I completely understand that. With much bigger titles, it's almost impossible to maintain a HUGE community as it was before. Still though, Reach has been going no where until recently. I and most of the community are very happy with 343i 's changes. Maybe then will we have some revival?
  15. When I got banned for deranking my old booster account over-night with my special controller; I did the same thing. "I DInDNDT DUU ENYTING. I SWUUEAR!" Now look at me. Fine. Bungie unbanned my main, and now everything is back to normal.
  16. This would literally make Halo the ultimate game I've ever played. I really want 343i to consider this. Halo 3 (in my opinion,) had a GREAT ranking system. I loved the EXP and how it determined your 50 in most cases (too much EXP in one playlist without a 50 meant that getting your 50 is almost impossible.) I think if we could combine EXP and your idea; it would be perfect.
  17. That is your opinion and your entitled to it. Multiplayer lasts much longer than the Campaign does because it simply never ends. The ONE of the very many I'd like to see is a 1 - 50 ranking system which would make everything fair and competitive once again. I think the BR also has my vote for several reasons of which I will not go in depth.
  18. Too bad that people couldn't figure this out a year ago. I was one of the many who couldnt get it unless I spent several hours. Eventually, I did manage to get it.
  19. Correction. RTS for Xbox = YES. Ensemble did things the right way with Wars and I believe that most of the RTS games for console platforms are very bad, and lack play ability. PC is the way to go; true. However, it doesn't mean that it's all together such a bad idea. That is false. I see your opinion, and while I stand with mine; neither of us are wrong. Try to compare other RTS on the Xbox to Halo Wars and see for yourself how amazing Wars is and just for the 360! It's amazing.
  20. These aren't a true issue so why would 343i need to go for a TU? It's not effecting the game to the point of not being able to play the game. If anything is effecting the game to a massive degree when wanting to play with others; it would have to be co-op online CEA. That's where the true problem lies and where most people turn away from the co-op due to this issue.
  21. You have to take the goods with the bads. Sprint is the way it is and people will use it against you to run away and hide, and you will use it to your advantage when needed. You have to admit that you have done this before in the past and it's not like EVERYONE always does that. Some people stay true to a battle willing to lose and stick around to die. Those ones aren't very smart to begin with, but people like you and I really like that
  22. I honestly want to know if the OP still plays the Classic Playlist as much as he did when it was first released or at least when he posted this. I do not. I find it to be a great playlist for having some non-frustrating fun. However, I find myself going for MLG now.
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