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Posts posted by Grumpy

  1. Halo 2 Anniversary is not needed or warranted.  Sure halo 2 was a great game and had the best MM of the franchise.  But let's look back at CEA.  There were many reasons why CEA used the Reach engine and became the game we got.  Halo 2 would be no exception.  Microsoft would not dare release a Halo 2 remake of any kind with a pure straight Halo 2 MM.  Doing so would fundamentally ruin any future Halo title, as many players would never migrate back to newer ones.


    Second, why do we need one?  Can someone really list a well thought out explanation with detail, about how deserving and what features make Halo 2 sooooo great a title to remake?  We have a perfectly good PC version that almost looks 100% better than the console version.  It allows players to play custom content and you can host servers with it.  If anything, the PC version should be receiving updates and attention.  Nothing you put on a console can compare to the potential that was left with Halo2 PC.  Seriously, name 3 things about the console version that is better than the PC version.  And don't try to go the route of the Vista lock thing...it's a dead horse, and the same can be said for the console version....console only.

    What's this need crap? No video game is needed per se, makes no sense to say a game is or isn't needed, remake or no. 


    There's no such thing as migration within the Halo titles, you play one game for a while and then you play the others. If H2 MM is brought back, that is where the migration would come into play...players migrating from other platforms and then there are the players that no longer play live who used to play H2, they would come back and in doing so, would also play the newest titles out there as well as all the Halos from time to time, that could actually be a plus for the newer games, not a negative.


    This migration from other platforms is a big one and by itself would justify a remake. For online Halo gaming, a new game does not spark a migration (unless it has H2 stature) from other platforms so MS does not make tons of new money as far as subscriptions are concerned, the Halo players are already on live...however, if H2 causes a significant migration from other platforms, that is new profits coming in. There is a war on between console makers, and H2 could help MS immensely in that war.


    A majority of gamers that play only consoles do it for a reason, they want their PC's for everything else but gaming, that is why consoles do well. I do not want my PC tied up while my grandson plays H2 when he comes to visit, I want him to play the console while I sit in the same room working on my comp. If he plays console (other games) for a while...maybe then he wants to play H2,,,what, I have to go offline so he can switch to the PC to play only H2 and I just sit around pounding my pud? Not acceptable, very few people can just go out and purchase another PC or 2 just to cover that scenario so that is not a logical option


    Put the damned game back on console like the rest of the Halos, that is logic in it's highest form. You are too hung up on the pretty graphics of PC.


    Whoever said that 343 does not care about the money is full of it, it is always about the money and frankly, because of my first paragraph, all the Halos would profit from a full H2 MP remake, imo.

  2. I too will never forgive microsoft  for this atrocity they've committed. 

    They do owe Halo 2 players everything because if it wasn't for Halo 2 kick starting the popularity of Xbox Live then Microsoft wouldn't be this wealthy and successful. I you say otherwise then you are not a true gamer of Halo 2.

    Halo 2 is a classic and classics should last for ever in every possible way.



    A thousand times this.


    Also, to say, just play H3 because it's almost the same game is insane. Not even close.

  3. I think they should do a Halo 2 Anniversary and change some thinkings what do you think


    List of what I would change in Halo 2


    Improved Graphics


    Put  the Needler  in from Reach because it cared more ammo in that game


    The Brute Shot Halo 3 because it cared more ammo in this game


    The Beam Rifle, and Fuel Rod Gun from Halo 2 because they cared more ammo in this game


    The Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Magnum, and  Assault Rifle from Halo Combat Evolved because they cared more ammo in this game


    A Battle Rifle that you can switch between signal fire and triple fire


    The Indestructidle Warthog 


    Longer lasting Invisibility Cloak for the Arbiter


    And some Extra Levels


    And Give the Pistol and Plasma Pistol there power back from Halo Combat Evolved

    How about they just give us Halo 2 back. Halo CE weapons belong in Halo CE and same with the weapons from the other Halo's, imo. Why make it a circus? 


    Give us clown armor


    Give us weapons from Metal Arms - Glitch In The System


    Make the graphics like Mario Bros


    I want rainbows, bells and whistles everywhere


    I want a 'Hulk-mode' and Spiderman abilities


    I want to buy a Halo 2 Anniversary but I don't want it to be anything like Halo 2

  4. Do I Like Brutes? Do I Really Really like Brutes?...............





    Just look at these guys. JUST LOOK AT THESE HANDSOME STUDS.



    If the SHEER POWER of all that SUPER STRONG SEXY muscle didn't make you a man, then the Gravity Hammer will. :)

    Lol, I do like their hats.

  5. Yes I like the brutes because they give some challenge in the game.

    Yeah, for AI challenges only Legendary will do. On Legendary, one does keep a keen eye out for Brutes, especially a berserking Brute. Hell, even on Heroic the Brutes in H2 had to be considered dangerous and they always seem to run with those damned Jackal snipers.

    • Like 1

    I'm well aware of the popularity Halo 2 used to have. It was such a juggernaut back then for multiple reasons. A few of those being the lack of any real competition, the rise of online play on consoles that Xbox Live helped to create, and the hype surrounding it before its release. What you stated is speculation. Why do you think 343i, or even Microsoft for that matter, are afraid of not being able to release a game that, in your eyes, isn't better than Halo 2? That's pure speculation with, as far as I can tell, no real evidence, no statements, no data to really base such an assumption on. I mean, you know they're well aware people want a Halo 2: Anniversary and they're willing to do one, right? Why would they be willing to do something they're afraid might overshadow their own work? That doesn't make a lick of sense to me.


    I never talked about the sales of HCEA or a possible H2A. What I said was that Microsoft would still be the ones making the money from a H2A, so the "fear" you're talking about makes no sense. They're going to make lots of money with the new Halo trilogy, that's a given. Whether or not H2A were to be more popular (and I really doubt it would be) doesn't matter so much, seeing as how 343i and Microsoft are the ones still getting all the profit at the end of the day. Get it? 

    The fear is the possibility that they can't make a game that is equal to or better than what H2 was. Imo, the reason they dummied CEA was because if it was too good, that would impact not only Reach but H4 after that and if they do the same again, it will be for the same reason. To solve that, they should just make sure H5 is one of the best Halo's ever instead of the crap like CEA MP was. If they don't, then the sales would be hurt by the, yet again, comparisons to H2 MP.


    In the ideal, they will give us H2 MP as it was and roll in the dough, then they would put out a worthy H5 and they would again roll in the dough and we would all be happy. They need to have confidence that the only way to slay the Juggernaut is to make a better game and that they are the best...now go out and prove it.


    So yes, my opinion is they are frightened of the Juggernaut still, albeit a ghost Juggernaught that's still there.


    Halo 2 "Juggernaut"? What're you talking about? It's a nearly decade old game that ran its course with the rest of the games for the original Xbox. None of them, even those that're still popular with people, get a chance either. What makes you think this "Juggernaught" whatever that's supposed to mean, is "scaring" them? Like, really? What've they got to be scared of? Why would they be afraid of H2A being done right and gaining lots of players? I don't think lots of people now want to play a decade old game instead of more recent games, Halo or not. Halo's not really as popular as it used to be, so you probably wouldn't be seeing the numbers you did when the game was still fresh, still extremely popular.


    They'd be the ones making the money either way, y'know. Microsoft and 343i would be raking in the cash from whatever profit a H2A gave them. The reason they didn't have the original MP for Halo Anniversary isn't the same reason you're giving for H2A, it's because the original Halo didn't have online netcode, and if they just put its MP over xbox live, like they did with co-op, you'd be having HUGE amounts of lag, just like you do with the co-op if not worse. It wouldn't be something they could do in a small amount of time either. It'd take quite a while to create proper netcode, test it, and make sure it's all working peachy-keen. 

    The Juggernaut was what H2 was back then, if you could not see that then there's no use talking to you. As I said, H3 got highly questioned because people were comparing it to H2. Then Reach came out and the comparisons continued, even as nobody played H2, Reach was compared and it didn't fare well. I stated it plain enough, 343 is afraid of not being able to release a game better than a 10 year old game. I essentially restated my post, so next time read it before you blurt out a "what are you talking about" statement.


    No, you are wrong about the sales being the same either way, you could not be more wrong. The sales of CEA dropped off as soon as the MP was released and people are aware of that and are angrily awaiting H2A and if they give us the original, the sales will be high...if they give us junk, the sales will tail off. So I think you are wrong, they will make money with junk but they'll make a ton more if they do it right.


    I've still gotta disagree with the way you put it. I mean yeah it'd be pretty bad if Nintendo did say we couldn't play it and took away all our carts, digital copies, etc., but Microsoft isn't doing that with Halo 2. Sure it's a pretty big bummer you can't play it online over its own MM system and stuff, but like, you still have the game right? You can still go ahead and play SP, Co-Op, and multiplayer with a few friends in splitscreen or xbox connect. Besides, SMW's not got an online mode and it's a local singleplayer, possibly co-op game. You're talking about taking away the entire game with that example, which isn't really the same thing as this, y'know? 


    I'm not any kind of official spokesperson or anything, but you can still play the game with people, you've just got to do that through XBC on the consoles and private servers/LAN on the PC. It's not quite the MM experience, I understand, but at least it's something right? I don't think I can think of many console games, if any, from older gens that're still capable of their original online suite. That's pretty much a PC exclusive thing as far as I know, and that's 'cause PCs don't have to worry about that sorta thing when you upgrade them. I'm not gonna get into which Halo game is better or worse, or the whole MLG thing. That wasn't really what I was talking about and it's kind of a moot point for me.

    No, you are saying 'Let 'em eat gruel instead of steak'. No, we reject KAI, XBC and all other make-do efforts to appease the H2 players. That is not what most of us want, imo, we want H2 back on Live. I feel, as a consumer, that yes I am owed because even though I played it for a number of years, it was no gift, I paid for it. I bought the 360 specifically for H2, I paid my Live dues specifically for H2 and one of their big selling points...Come, play Halo 2 on Live, spend your money with us. Then we get the ax.


    I never like buying a product and then the product is taken away. 


    So, any comparison that you make with other games will not do in this case, H2 stands alone. I think MS has always been wary of H2, H3 had to live under the comparisons to H2 and even Reach makers had to listen to the comparisons...Reach so so, H2 best...kind of thing. At this moment the H2 Juggernaut is looming over MS and 343, frightening them like children. They are afraid H2A, done right, will be better than what they can make today.


    They were apprehensive about CE too, so they frumped us with the MP bull they gave us and then claimed they did that so they would not split the community. Total bull, they split the damned community by giving us crap for CEA MP. 

  9. Please 343. I thought you guys picked up the Halo franchise to prevent bungie from damaging it even further. There is exactly one way to do the halo 2 remake proper, which just happens to be probably the easiest for you guys. Sure, if you want to polish the campaign, great. But when it comes to multiplayer, DO NOT SCREW WITH IT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!! I started playing halo 2 at 14 and worked my way into competitive play around 15/16. I'm 22 now, and am still FURIOUS with microsoft taking down the service.


    Imagine if nintendo all of a sudden took away super mario bros for SNES so you could never play it again. Or blizzard stopped providing service for starcraft BW. Take notes from RARE, their perfect dark remake was perfect! They gave us exactly what the fans wanted, a port of the original.


    Does anyone have a mailing adress for 343? I wish to send them a much better written more expressed version of my opinion about the halo 2 situation... Please listen to your fans 343! If you're going to do it pleaaase do it right. !!We want the multiplayer to play EXACTLY how it used to!! (post patch of course :P)

    Look up Microsoft for the address, 343 is their gaming division.

  10. Ok I will keep this short. Started playing halo 2 when I was 14. I'm 22 now and very mad at 343. If they are going to re-make halo 2 they better not mess it up. I don't really care what they change to the campaign ex better graphics; but when it comes to the multiplayer they better leave it alone. Glitches are what made the game fun; being able to explore was always a true adventure. Anyone remember the days of trying to find the golden warthog? Please please please do not mess with the multiplayer; never kill any support for halo games; if xbox live cancels it like they did halo 2 remake it for the current system and keep it alive (it can't be hard). Learn how to overcome obstacles like everyone has to do.

    This times 1,000

  11. I can't exactly see where the spectre is it in relation to the loading zone or the end of the level itself, so I will take a guess. Seeing as how you were more than likely above the end of the level with your back facing the loading zone/cinematic trigger, I can only assume that everything was spawned to the other players location.


    When you spawn at a distance greater than usual Line of Site, you are not teleported inside your vehicle, but instead teleported next to the other player. Sometimes if your close enough to the other person your vehicle is teleported with you...we have seen this before many times.


    I can only surmize, that because the spectre was launched passed the loading zone, that it landed on the other side of the loading zone. So when the level re-loaded the new bsp, it also loaded the spectre because the engine detected the vehicle inside of it, instead of the previous bsp. It's kinda like taking a vehicle thru different bsp's of the level. Even though the level loads another section of the map, the vehicle remains. The only time this fails is if the newer loaded/post cinematic, spawns the player away from the area in which the vehicle was, making backtracking impossible. A good example of this, is the banshee on the last level. Even though a cutscene plays, the banshee is still in an area where the player spawns initially. I hope that made sense..lmao


    Additionally, the only reason you are able to do these kinds of things, is because the engine itself loads vehicles and weapons from the shared/mainmenu/single_player_shared resource files. In Halo 3 and Reach, if the vehicle itself does not spawn on a particular section or is located in the map file itself as a reference, you expereince losing vehicles as in they just plain dissapear when a new section is loaded. Halo 2 does the opposite and loads the vehicle and wepaons or whatever, as long as the said item is still present and in play, regardless of reference within the map file.

    The vehicle was still flying so I'm still confused. If you watch the first vid closely, P1 is launching while P2 sits at the lz, then just after launch P2 crosses the lz (with P1 spawning right there at the lz) then races up the ramp to activate the cutscene, then, when I spawn on the Gondola, I look over and the Spectre is landing. xlax007 has a better vid where he shows his Spectre flying in, same with Duelies, you could see the vehicle flying at you from a good distance. So it still had the impetus that the launch gave it. That's what confuses me, it's not just a simple teleport since it's flying from the launch before, during and after the cutscene. Also, P1 spawned at the lz where P2 was after the lz was hit, so if the vehicle was tied to P1 because he was inside it, why would the vehicle not port at that time? When P2 ran up the ramp and activated the cutscene, P1 had been out of the Spectre. Then when I appeared on the Gondola the Spectre comes flying in. Sorry, I'm still confused.


    Edit: After thinking about what you said, I guess the Spectre was ported to the Gondola canyon when the lz was tripped...then it did go through the cutscene because it's also in the same canyon...rhen when the cutscene was over the Spectre finished it's trip.


    I think I understand now, thanks.

  12. Here's another one; xlax007, Duelies and I have all done something on Quarantine Zone that I don't understand.


    The trick was to get a vehicle onto the moving Gondola as it glides toward the tunnels. I took a Spectre and launched it from above the entrance to the Gondola dock. I launched it toward the Library picture in the distance and I had the other player trip the lz below and instead of hitting the boundary barrier, I flew through it. As the Spectre was flying I raced up the ramps to the Gondola and activated the cutscene and after that I spawned on the Gondola and that same Spectre landed above me.


    So...when I launched I went through a loadzone, then I flew through a cutscene and then after I spawned on the Gondola the Spectre was still in the air.


    The question; how the hell did this happen? How does the programming cover something like this? It went through a damned cutscene still flying through the maps! We've never known exactly how a vehicle/object can leave one map, wind up in another map entirely after going through a cutscene and land.


    This shows the landing on the beam:


    This shows that the Gondola formed and caught the Spectre like a catchers mitt:

  13. Perhaps there are some knowledgeable people on this forum (Twin and Kills?). Anyone can pose game questions here but don't expect an answer unless you describe what it is you are asking/proposing. Be smart about it.


    I'd like to discuss various game anomalies here so I'll start out with this:


    @ Kills_Alone and Twinreaper - In a tricking forum where I hang out we have been discussing what we call a Tantrum...in Halo 2. I don't know why it's called a Tantrum but there are times where you can be in the middle of a flat map, just standing there and you jump over and over and suddenly you hit an invisible ledge-like thing while in the air and you can double jump off that or just land and stand there...hovering. Further, there are places in H2 where you stand next to a wall (90 degrees vertical), then jump a bunch of times and eventually you land and float/hover on like a ledge or you can double jump off that ledge. It works on vertical glass too. So, I'd like to get some input on what causes this. The debate centers around what some are calling map collision and they maintain that the feet of MC or Arbiter collides a certain way on a wall map thus producing the 'collision'.


    This may be true but I always thought that overlapping maps could have something to do with it. Otherwise, when standing on a flat wide open surface, why would you suddenly land on something invisible?


    1. What causes this?


    2. Is a wall Tantrum different than a floor tantrum?


    At first the overlapping map theory might sound bizarre but let me explain. A big part of my tricking career has been learning all the overlapped maps in H2 CMP. When a map is overlapped into another map, you can take an object (crate or such) all the way around to the other map, set it there then go back to the original map and see that crate hoovering somewhere in there. You can overload the map or cause an imbalance that affect later maps.


    On Quarantine Zone I know there are at least five overlapping maps where I can sit a Spectre in one certain spot and then go to five different maps and see (and use) that same Spectre. On Great Journey I can swordfly up to the ceiling of the level in a certain area and suddenly the map changes and I'm viewing the Cairo Station explosions and then it changes back to GJ. The Cairo, Great Journey, Uprising and High Charity and Gravemind levels are all overlapped and within each other. There may be others.


    3. When maps overlap, do they create unseen seams where one model passes through another?


    Personally, I call them string portals, where a doorway like seam is formed where the intersection occurs. Much like 2 bubbles that partially merge, the merging point plane is in both maps at once.


    4. Within the overlaps, will the invisible model affect the visible model so that an unseen seam/ledge is formed by the intersecting structures?


    5. Are the people correct who assert that it's a simple geometry map collision thing causing all these phenomenon I've described?


    Keep in mind I have no understanding whatsoever of map collisions.


    To all:

    If you are interested in answering my or anyone else's questions in-depth but want to see exactly what a Tantrum is and what effects overlapping maps can give I can post vid links.

  14. Another additional post from an exceptional idiot. You have no idea what you are talking about. Just the fact that you state it has bugs...which it does not..shows your level of understanding in regards to anything Halo 2 PC related. Tell you what pal, just leave the PC side of things to the professionals like me and Kills. Thanks for trying though....

    Damn Twin, you are harsh my friend. Wasn't there some problems early on, like shaders and movable objects that could not be moved? Maybe this guy ran into problems before they were fixed way back when and just never changed his opinion.


    Suddenly my sig does not work, wtf?

  15. I want the Halo 2 anniversary to be Halo 2. The exact same multi-player, no updates to game mechanics and definitely keep the same trueskill system. I also want Halo 2 anniversary to be its own game. I can't stress this enough, I don't want some Halo: Reach weapons on Halo: CE garbage, that was really frustrating for myself and many other players. It needs to have a multi-player built into it and it would be incredibly cool if you could have an option to toggle old style graphics between new graphics.


    Halo 2 is the best online first person shooter game ever to be released, no questions asked. 343 industries needs to make this release perfect before they cut any more limbs off of themselves.



    Wow, great post. Sums it up pretty good but I hope they fix the screen shadows and give us a skull menu.
  16. Or, we could have an exact remake of Halo 2, but get this, with Halo 2's multiplayer!

    Why that's unheard of, absolutely outrageous that a remake would be based solely on the greatest game ever made (MP, glitches and all) lol.


    Why on earth would people want changes to H2? Just leave it the way it is and put it back on Live.

    • Like 1
  17. Generally saying, grammar is a very important part of life mate. Please try to use it more often, or people won't take you seriously.


    But aside from that, I would love to see H2 make a return, but I cannot stress on this. DO NOT ******* CHANGE ANYTHING. Just make some minor graphical updates, in order for the game to be played in upward to 1080P. Anything else besides graphical updates shouldn't be touched. Do not tweak the weapons, vehicles, etc. Leave the game alone...

    Well, I agree by and large but I hope they fix the screen shadows and give us a skull menu.
  18. OK so my next topic: H2A firefight map. So there are lots of locations that are suitable for firefight like the Heretic Hangar or the Area right before boarding the scarab on Metropolis. but I want to here your Ideas!

    The opening map of Outskirts and the Sacred Icon canyon, the one that has the Green door.
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