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Everything posted by Grumpy

  1. Really great flick, ima dl it for reference so thx for posting.
  2. Yeah, unfortunately they probably will do MP like CEA, if they do it at all. Seems like they would have to make an official announcement one way or another at some point, like a mercy curb-stomp.
  3. All that sounds terrible, most of it anyway. Here's what I want for an H2 remake...H2.
  4. One other possibility is because they would have to get rid of the PC MP so H2A has no unnecessary competition. I'm not saying this is likely but they would have to make this move at some point if H2A comes out. Also, they can't say to just go play H2V if you want H2 online anymore, that used to be an excuse for not making H2A. It's like they are inviting people to raise hell about H2A.
  5. I would think, no weapon, stay back and that suckers gonna die.
  6. They left most of the CMP glitches in CEA so with that precedent there's hope that H2A would be mostly left untouched. They could fix them if they want or leave them, I would think. MP is another matter, they will most likely fix the SB's whether they want to or not simply by the act of upgrading the coding to the newer servers. They would have to design the SB's back into the game and I don't think that it's possible to design anomalies into a game.
  7. I didn't see this one. The reason they didn't make a Halo 2 anniversary is because the anniversary is not here yet lol. Also, it would be a crime, if they do make H2A, if we could not play as an Elite.
  8. I agree, and I believe 343 and MS are in fear of this. It looms over them like the Sword of Damocles. CEA might have been the same except they trumped us by the MP fiasco.
  9. It was discussed, but you were not reading as usual, what you call perfectly good is crap compared to Live.
  10. You are the one demanding proof of someone else but you object when proof is demanded of you. When you make accusations against me or make doctored quotes part of your repertuar yes, I tell you to prove it and to date you've never backed up anything. Part of your upper quote said 'do not plan to support at anytime'. That is you offering proof that H2 will not be made, you've done it before and you have never proved anything, you only offer doctored quotes but not the actual link when I ask. You want to be right so much that you constantly change quotes to suit your needs. What the quote originally said, I believe, is 'at this time' and it's 2 years old. Lay off that one. The rest of your pontification is an attempt to appear reasonable while trying to make it appear that I'm never reasonable. An old trick but if you re-read your quotes, you are the one who comes in the expert that is going to set us straight, not me. You'll have to do better than that.
  11. This, until 343 comes out and says one way or another for sure, we should keep the pressure on high.
  12. Where's your link that says they will not support an H2 remake 'at anytime'? Don't give the 2 year old link that says 'at this time'. You take liberty with quotes so back yourself up with an updated reliable quote.
  13. No, they can't charge more for a remake, that is never done. Name even one game that charged $60 for a remake, it would have made no business sense to charge full price. When a company charges the going market price of $40, you are not receiving any kind of gift and it is not a celebration for the fans, it is to make money.
  14. No, CEA was to make money, the 10 year stuff was the excuse. Make no mistake, it is always about the money otherwise they would not have charged the market rate for remakes/anniversaries, it was no gift. H2A will sell and make millions so I could give you millions of reasons why an H2 anniversary is NOT pointless. The 10 year anniversary would be a good excuse to make those millions and it would calm angry fans who want H2 back online and the damned screen shadows fixed. The only way to shut up us H2 fans is to do the remake.
  15. I like the sound of that but do you have a link from 343 for this confirmation?
  16. You typed and said nothing. If you don't like Halo 2 don't buy it if it comes out. Yes, you did push your opinion, you were the one typing so it was in fact your opinion, nothing more. One opinion, just like mine.
  17. Yes, for the 3.3 million, it was a great game. I'm not saying that because millions play a game that it is great for me, not even close. I don't like Reach but for the millions who did, it's a great game. Who am I to tell them different? Perfect example you gave, there is artwork that some love and others hate. If millions of people love a work of art and a few self proclaimed critics think it is trash, it is only trash to them, for the millions love it, it is a great piece of art. Who are they to tell people what is good and what is bad? You are naive to think that your opinion is better than anyone else's opinion, especially when millions feel the exact opposite of you. You are one guy with one vote, if millions have another opinion, who are you to say they are wrong? I never claim that a video game is good or bad for anyone other than me, they have their opinion and are right in their thinking. You, however, want to push your opinion on others claiming they are playing a bad game only they just don't see it. Later in life you will see that your opinion means little to other people, it only matters to you (unless you are super rich in which case everyone will hail your opinions as perfect...until you leave the room).
  18. Lol, I just said what the facts are, what is, is. If a million people buy something and one guy doesn't, it's a good product overall, it doesn't matter what that one person thinks, reality will kick you in the butt. Any other thinking about games is naive and too simplistic.
  19. Thinking critically has nothing to do with how popular a game is. Just because you criticize does not qualify you as a critical thinker nor does your single opinion have any relevancy here. It's a matter of popularity when it comes to gaming. You need to get your priorities straight, real life calls for critical thinking, deciding whether a game is good or not does not.
  20. The only way we have to really gauge how good a game is, is how popular it was/is. A few critics here and there only know what they think is good. In the end, Abe Lincoln Vampire Slayer was judged good by the populace, so it was good.
  21. Let's see, millions loved H2 and a few Hated it. You are one of the few who just can't get it.
  22. Lol, I stopped trying to give you the benefit of doubt after the first 'pistol' mention. You are just one of a few people who could not be weaned off of your love for the pistol so you decide to go to the H2 forum and chant for CE. The rest of your post was just you describing CE, none of your points besides the pistol made a case for H2 ruining Halo. The pistol, it's always the pistol! I think MS and Bungie might disagree with your 'ruined' comment. Bungie was happy and MS is still making a ton of money off of Halo in general.
  23. Rofl, that and the hunt for TUE and the hunt for HI BEN and the Tri-Gate nonsense. Fun stuff.
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