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Posts posted by Grumpy

  1. Halo 2 Anniversary simply doesn't need to happen. It would be a waste of 343's time and resources.

    Halo 2 Anniversary simply doesn't need to happen. It would be a waste of 343's time and resources.

    You're right, it doesn't need to anymore than CE needed to be remade. It's a question of supply, demand and overall money that will get it done. MS will not pass up millions come Nov of 2014.
  2. 1. Marathon isn't an exact prequel to Halo. It it seemed to so acutally CE is the first HALO.

    2. Halo 2 didn't dominate anything because at the same time Treyarch was creating CoD games.

    3. By the year 2014, xbox will already have a new console, so it wont matter about 360.

    1. Marathon isn't an exact prequel to Halo. It it seemed to so acutally CE is the first HALO.

    2. Halo 2 didn't dominate anything because at the same time Treyarch was creating CoD games.

    3. By the year 2014, xbox will already have a new console, so it wont matter about 360.

    Marathon lead to Halo so every game owes to games before it, Halo didn't just pop out of the air.


    Nope, Halo 2 was the most dominant game around at the time, no question about it.


    They haven't announced when the new console will come out and it's not like the 360 will vanish overnight. MS can squeeze a lot of money off an H2 anniversary advertising coupled with the 360 tenure.


    Still looks like a whole lot of reasons to remake it.

  3. MS put out CEA to make money, the celebration was the excuse and it was a good excuse.

    CE owed thanks to Marathon so it's not truly the first in anything

    H2 is the only Halo game not on Live.

    Once H2 is remade, there's no need to remake them all (see my third point).

    H2 will celebrate it's 10 year anniversary in Nov of 2014.

    H2 allowed MS to dominate online gaming.

    Live today owes thanks to H2.

    MS needs to fix the screen shadow problem with the emulator.

    The xbox 360 will have it's 10 years coming up just after H2's so the marketing will be phenomenal.

    MS will make a boatload of money.


    I'd say there are a lot of reasons to remake H2.

  4. Then one team would have Frankie and the other wouldn't.

    That is a HUGE disadvantage.


    Whichever game didn't have him (H2 anniversary) wouldn't be given the treatment it deserves. Plus it's not like every single level designer/concept artist/sound technician/modeler/animator is equal. One game would be more loaded than the other.

    Then one team would have Frankie and the other wouldn't.

    That is a HUGE disadvantage.


    Whichever game didn't have him (H2 anniversary) wouldn't be given the treatment it deserves. Plus it's not like every single level designer/concept artist/sound technician/modeler/animator is equal. One game would be more loaded than the other.

    You're grasping now, MS can hire the best on this or any other planet. Also, all Frankie is is a mouthpiece, you think he designs or does any programming and besides, the offices will most likely be down the hall from each other and if Frankie is needed that badly, he can easily go from one to the other. If he oversee's everything, it would be a perfect match, since he's already familiar with H2 he would have a bead on what made Halo great.


    Sounds like it would work out fine without one game being more loaded than the other. Very easy to keep track of whatever you think loading up a game is.

  5. It simply doesn't need to happen. And I promise you that If 343 industries decided to produce 2 games at the same time, despite being with microsoft, you would see a drop in the quality of those two games.

    It simply doesn't need to happen. And I promise you that If 343 industries decided to produce 2 games at the same time, despite being with microsoft, you would see a drop in the quality of those two games.

    I could promise you things to and it would mean nothing, same as your promise. You can't promise anything of the sort and back it up any more than I can. You simply do not know how a corporation works, you do not multitask, you simply have a team for one game and another team for the other. Corporations can multitask without overusing individuals. It's a matter of organization.


    As far as quality, it may even get better because in my opinion 343 needs to be aware of Halo 2's roots and what got Live to where it is today. That is one of the reasons Reach is not the blockbuster that MS wanted as far as I'm concerned.


    You should not make promises that you cannot keep.

  6. While I would truly enjoy playing Halo 2 multi-player again, I cease to believe that Halo 2 needs a revamp. It would prevent 343i from producing new games because they have to divert development resources to bringing Halo 2 Anniversary to life. In addition the game doesn't need any changes at all. The only change that would be good it to allow us to play it on Xbox Live again. And since this will never happen I'm inclined to agree with what Undead said. Get yourself a Halo 2 Vista and enjoy.

    Lol, that's like saying enjoy your bowl of crap.


    As for 343 not having resources, they are Microsoft and they have all the resources on the planet. Some have this idea that 343 is small and cannot concentrate on more than one game and that is nonsense.


    So...how do you know it will never happen?

  7. One of the Halo 2 levels, when you play Arbiter (the snow level near the end) was painful. It wasn't that bad, but it was so hard. Halo 2 campaign was not bad, though. The coolest cutscene I thought was when Arbiter was getting branded with the Mark of Shame.

    That would be Quarantine Zone. I turn off the snow when I play it, it's one of my favorite levels to trick.
  8. More so, often at times the permutation of the class of AI is lifted to a much higher level.

    I've never noticed any change in class, but then again I've never looked. I thought they made coop harder by inserting more AI and they give you less checkpoints. I don't think AI were harder to fight in single player vs coop, 1 on 1.
  9. I was wondering this for quite a while and I thought that you guys and girls could help. I got the Red Ring of Death about I don't know how many times. So it never let me do the solo campaign.


    So, if you beat the Halo 2 campaign on cooperative instead of solo, would that still count as beating the game?


    All input is welcome :).

    Yeah, you beat the game...on coop. I think it still gave you Foundation if you performed the Banshee tricks on The Great Journey (normal or above) so I say you beat the game. However, if I'm wrong about coop unlocking Foundation then maybe you didn't beat the game in Bungie's eyes.
  10. Let me rephrase my original statement for you. Because re-reading it, it's not what it should be. Minus the Halo 2 & 360 thing, I don't think it'll be in 2014. Within the next 10 years, perhaps. That was my intention behind the statement, not what was there. My bad.


    As for the Halo 2 and 360 thing, I still don't believe it. Not calling you a liar, I just find it hard to believe, from a buisness standpoint, that Microsoft would market a new gaming system with an old game. Now, I could see a retailer doing something like that.


    Microsoft and multitasking. Yes. They didn't want to split the fan base. True enough. Tell me, why did Certain Affinity, and not 343/Microsoft, make the maps for it?


    You said you'd wait to hear. After saying Halo 4 comes out in 6 months... H2A would come out 2014.


    So, to make a long story short, let's agree to disagree, shall we? Like I said in my original post, I wouldn't mind a Halo 2 remake. I just personally don't see it happening in the near future.

    Halo 2 was only 4 months old when the 360 launched, so it was a new game as far as I'm concerned. Halo 2 was thee hotest thing around so it only makes sense that they would sell H2 along with the 360. Besides, that is a moot point. The 360 and Halo 2 were a perfect match regardless and they each helped each other out. The 10 year anniversary of that union is at the end of 2014, beginning of 2015. To me, it would make sense to market and sell it like that.


    If Halo 2 is remade, it would logically be in 2014, not some far off date...that's 12 more years lol if you say a 20 year anniversary.


    MS will make a bundle of money, no way to pass that up imo.

  11. Let's go through this, shall we? Paragraph by paragraph. Firstly, the only known location that Halo 2 was sold with the 360, as a bundle through Microsoft, was in the Phillipines, as far as I'm aware. Is that where you got your 360? Otherwise, show me the original packaging with it stated being sold with Halo 2, cause I can't find anything that agree's with your statement. If somebody else can prove this, by all means please do, I love to be proven wrong.


    So who told you it's going to happen? Do you have info that we don't? Do you have knowledge that it will be released in 2014? This can work both ways, and surely it does. You stated your opinion that it will come out in 2014. I stated my opinion that it won't, and will more likely be within the next 10 years. Nuff said.


    Yes, Microsoft can multitask. Just look at CEA. Oh how people raged that it was based on Reach's multiplayer.


    Now! The important one! The one that I bolded. YOU don't know anymore about a remake than anybody else, either. Proven by the fact that we're both stating our opinions. No need to get snippy with people stating their opinions.

    I get snippy with a know it all, like you. I stated that I would wait until 343 announced as to whether H2 would be remade or not. I did not say they would remake it so you are full of hyperbole. If that is your important statement, the rest is ludicrous.


    I know what I bought and when, it was in CA and H2 came with my box. No way for me to prove something that happened 8 years ago. No matter, it makes no difference, Halo 2 made the 360 and LIVE take off like a rocket, Halo 2 had already taken off like a rocket months before.


    Lol, CEA MP came about because MS was afraid of 'splitting the community' so they incorporated the Reach MP, most people know that. It was not because they were not capable of multitasking.


    Get it through your head, I did not say the 10 year anniversary was going to happen, I said I'd wait to hear from 343. Since you stated that H2 will NOT be remade, I ask again for your inside information.


    You present your opinion as if it were fact and it is not.

  12. Halo 2 never sold with the 360. Halo 2 was out for the original XBox, not the 360. As for a remake of it? I wouldn't complain, but it is not going to happen, at least not in the near future. Another 10 years down the road, perhaps, but not now, and definitely not in 2014, if you want the original MP experience as well. Too busy worrying about Halo 4 & the new trilogy to go back and worry about remaking H2.

    Yeah, H2 did sell with the 360, I bought my first 360 when it launched in March 2005 and H2 came with it. yup, H2 came out before the 360 but when the 360 was launched, H2 was with it. I still have that copy of H2. H2 was on top for 2 straight years after launching at the end of 2004, so it was not a brainstorm to sell H2 with the 360 in March of 2005 when it was released. You had to be there.


    So who told you it was not going to happen? Do you have info we don't? CEA came about because of the money to be made, the celebration of the 10 year anniversary was a tool to sell more. Microsoft is in the business of making money and that's exactly what they did. It will be the same with H2A and there are several reasons to do it as a promotion...10 year anniversary of H2 and the 10 year anniversary of LIVE. They would be stupid to follow any other path.


    Microsoft can multitask, that's what corporations do. All they need to do is hire enough people, the offices would be separate and each would work on their own project. It's silly to think that MS cannot work on 2 projects...really lame.


    Bottom line, you don't know any more about a remake than anyone else does. 343 will announce if H2 will be remade or not...not you.

  13. No they should just leave it.

    I see what you'd like here, but i'm sure the only reason 343 even remade the first halo was infact because it was the first halo.

    The game that started it all, don't you think it would just be kinda ridiculous for them just to start remaking everything? I'd personally like to see a new game, or an extra halo before another remake.


    H2 was one of my favorite games of all time, but still doesn't change the fact to bring it back.


    Thats just my opinion though.

    Who said anything about remaking everything? Halo 2 is the only Halo not on Live (PC or XBC is not good enough)?


    Halo 2 was the first Live Halo MP and it sold with the new 360. H2 made Live what it is today but you would have no idea what that was about since you never played H2 Live.


    They are coming out with a new game in 6 months...H2A would come out in 2014.


    Not sure then what your point was except you don't want H2 remade. Even if I didn't care about H2 Live, I would want it back for others who do want it back. Why be selfish about something you don't care about one way or another?

  14. Halo 2 explained ALOT about how halo works and about the forerunners also lots of effort in campaign and weapons so yes they should make another

    I agree, a remake is in order. Not that CEA crap where multiplayer was ruined, we need the real deal meal on H2 MP. 343 claims they don't want to split the community but that's exactly what they did with CEA. If they pull the same thing for H2 then they will have split off a sizable community when you add CEA and H2A together.


    I think if 343 gives us the original MP, same feel, speed and music, coop online, give us a menu for the SAME skulls they will be making a smart move. It's up to them to do a great job on H4 and H5 so that an old game like H2 should not scare them.

  15. Quite frankly, I complained about the Pistol in the combat Evolved Anniversary Topic! Looking at Combat Evolved, correct me if I'm wrong, but people realised that it did more damage than every other weapon because of its values. That is a programming oversight, so I can excuse than more than deliberate Balance Breaks. Either Way, They shouldn't be there in either Halo game to begin with. Halo's one of the most Balanced FPS games we've had in the longest time, and we wouldn't want that to go to waste, now would we?O


    Oh, and as for the servers being shut down? I don't think that requires much of an explanation, IMO. We need to say that custom hosting can go a long way even after the servers died...

    In other words, all games have problems so that's a far cry from your diatribe about H2, CE has problems just as H2 has. I don't know what you mean by we, if you mean you then it's just another opinion. If you mean all of us, you have no business talking for us.


    Servers being shut down? Did I say anything about servers? Also, don't say what we need, say only what you need or want, after all, it's only your opinion.

  16. You, sir, are a heretic for opposing the wisdom of our Prophets. By going against our decision to empower the superior race, you've commuted the crime of treason. The Jiralhanae aren't to be messed with, and their awesome packs will be hunting your flesh for dinner.


    In all seriousness, do I even have to comment about how ridiculous Halo 2's multiplayer was completely unbalanced compared to the first game? The homing rocket launcher COMPLETELY kills any sense of skill one might have gained from playing around with everything else in the game. It's almost as if it was an "INSTANT WIN" weapon, and that's NEVER good in ANY one of these games. Reasons like these along with a rushed Campaign that left all of our hands scratching our heads back when it first came out easliy make Halo 2 the worst in the series, in my humble opinion.

    Lol, another whiner about the RL but let's not forget about the CE pistol. Wail and moan all you want, the longevity and the amount of people who love H2 speaks for itself. H2 MP was fun for millions while several thousand hated it. CE, bounce bounce then pistol head shot, oh what fun that was, no strategy whatsoever, no team play.
  17. Great thread, I hope we can add to this.


    There's a couple that weren't mentioned:




    Were the skulls Eggs?


    The REX on top of the tower on Great Journey.


    There are 2 other BSOD switches, one on Delta Halo and one on High Charity.


    The Scarab gun on Outskirts.


    The final battle on Great Journey has 2 ways to get a vehicle in there. One is the door where you can fly a Banshee, drive a Spectre in and drive a Ghost in. The other way is via a portal where you can get any drive-able vehicle on the level inside to fight Tartarus.


    On Metropolis you can also get into one of the Pelicans that fly at the end of the level but it's not easy.


    IOHBOY is a good one.


    I always thought it was Frankie but someone said it wasn't, idk.


    Golden Hog signs on Metropolis and, crap, can't remember.



    Some will say a few of these are not eggs but I think all things similar to eggs should be included.


    I can provide pics or vids for most of the eggs mentioned.

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