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Posts posted by Grumpy

  1. we dont really need H2 online anymore

    Speak for yourself. H2 made Live what it is today, it was the launch game of the 360 plus H2, the 360 and Live can all celebrate the 10th anniversary of H2 together. It does need to be treated as special.


    If you don't want it, don't buy it. I believe there are more than enough people who want it, it's not a question of need.

  2. im not against a halo 2 remake. but there is really no need.


    Halo CE has timeless gameplay but the graphics needed a revamp.


    Halo 2 is still classic but the graphics are good enough. i would prefer to play it with the original graphics which are impressive from an original xbox stand point. just go play it now. all i would ask is that they make halo 2 playable online again and keep halo 3 playable.


    i would not even ask they make Halo CE playable online. it was just never meant to be. its still a primarily single player/co-op game while Halo 2/3 are primarily multiplayer.

    We can't just go play it. In order to make Halo 2 playable for Live I think they have to remake/redo it in some manner so it's compatible. If they are just going to make H2 multiplayer off of H4, like they did with CE off of Reach, then I don't personally want that.
  3. It might end up good. But I'm not sure. Because I've hardly played CE anniversary, I found it to be rather boring.

    I would rather have loads of new and cool multiplayer maps for Halo 4 than another remake actually.

    Why does it have to be a choice? Microsoft is one of the worlds largest corporations, so 343 can grow if the money is there. They can buy all the talent they want.


    Besides, you must be talking about H5 because H4 is next and there's no distraction with that.

  4. What are you talking about? The only reason I bought a 360 was because they sold it with H2 as a package. You don't know what you are talking about. 360 came out in May of 2005 and was bundled with Halo 2 even though H2 had already launched. They had made it compatible for the 360 because of it's popularity so it most definitely launched the 360.

  5. Halo 2 wasn't a launch game for the 360... it wasn't even on the 360.


    But yeah on topic I would love for a remake of Halo 2.

    What are you talking about? The only reason I bought a 360 was because they sold it with H2 as a package. You don't know what you are talking about. 360 came out in May of 2005 and was bundled with Halo 2. They had made it compatible for the 360 because of it's popularity so it most definitely launched the 360.
  6. Halo 2 shouldn't be remade for a while, they just remade halo 1 and if thay remake halo 2, it wouldn't be right, maybe for a 15th anniversary or sumit, perhaps



    Right now? No way.

    Not now, the end of 2014 will be fine for a 10th anniversary for H2, the 10th anniversary of the 360 and the 10th anniversary of when Live truly came alive. H2 was the launch game of the 360 and made Live into what we are enjoying right now. Any one of those points is a justification for a remake in itself, let alone all three combined into one anniversary.
  7. There won't be hundreds of thounsands people playing it, most people will still want to play CoD/Battlefield, because its what people are used to playing, Halo 2 had no competition on the original xbox, but, on 360, it does, so, no, there won't be as many people playing.

    XBC does work pretty well actually, and it is the closest thing we gonna have to h2 online for a while, because, 343 most likely won't open the servers back up.

    Lol, if you think XBC is close enough, you never played H2 when it was on Live. If H2 launches a remake, yes, there will be hundreds of thousands of players for the first week or two, or didn't you read that? For a week or 2 all other games will take a backseat to H2. Just because you've got some hangup about H2 doesn't mean you can somehow push it off as widespread. If you don't want an H2 remake, don't buy it, that always works.


    Who said anything about 'servers back up'? There's no servers to put back up, lol. You are really out of the loop on this one.

    • Like 1
  8. Halo 2 (PC)! :)

    One of the main reasons (imo) we want Halo 2 back on Live is for the first 2 to 3 weeks after release there will be hundreds of thousands of people playing. It will be our only chance (ever) of playing H2 the way we used to do it. We're willing to pay full price for that chance and Kai, Connect or PC will not give us that. We want the pace and feel back, I think most hardcore H2 players do not want any changes, just give us the damned game back as it was. Although online coop would be cool.
    • Like 2
  9. A new member has come in here with an OP about wanting to save Halo. He, like many others, remembers what Halo 2 gave us. He remembered that many of the Halo fans, like him self, felt Halo 3 had lost some of that original feeling. He remembers what great maps Halo 2 offered. He, like so many other liked the super jumps. He liked the core of Halo game play minus what he feels are the gimmicks of AA's, characters noises made when they breath hard as they run or "ummmf!" when they land hard. He simply is a fan of Halo 2 and like so many felt changes made in Halo 3 that he was not happy with and sees Reach as a complete departure from what made Halo good.


    He may not be the best spoken member here and it appears he came in upset to some degree. Brony offered a very polite and measured response to his OP. Biggles offered a measured response. Msytic offered a polite response. What gives with the rest of you attacking him or proping up those that did? He did not attack you. He came in here and shared an opinion, his opinion, about the Halo franchise. He is not the only one that feels that way either. He never once in his OP stated anything he said as fact.


    Not everyone who comes into this forum is going to be some technical expert or have the ability to come in here and write some epic OP.


    He did not make one personal remark to any member.....did he? Look what some of you said to him, how you talked to him. You call him a "Troll"? Twinreaper there was absolutely no need for you to talk to him in the manner that you did, period. He did not come back and denigrate you after how you spoke to him the way you did, did he?


    You want some figures......nearly 9,000,000, that is nine million, people bought Reach, and roughly 100,000 play it. Those have been the numbers for quite some time. That is 0.01 % of the people that bought the game.......1/100th. It was pointed out to me that I had miss entered the % quotient. It is actually 1.1% percent. Still a sad number. Now if you want me to spend the time and go back and compile that list again, I will and it will end up in every single thread about Reach. The numbers show just how many people have left that game after trying it. Competition? Reach is no competition to COD. He nor I nor any other fan of Halo that refers to COD's popularity means that we like or play that game. It is a reference to a game that is currently popular versus one that is not. It is not a slam on Halo or Reach, merely an observation that reinforces the loss of player in Halo and the continually growing popularity of the MW/COD franchise.


    Fans of Halo feel the pain of those types of realizations, it shows how much we love Halo and miss what it was all about. It may get expressed in many different ways. There is absolutely nothing wrong with loving what made Halo so good back then and pointing out the changes that players feel has changed the game to what it is now.


    He simply wants Halo to be great again and like so many felt the true essence of the game was what Halo 2 offered. You really have to "Open your eyes", as Choot'em recently said in his challenge, and see the answer. Instead of looking just at the OP's words, feel his heart and understand his love for the game. Frank O'Conner and many other on the development team have stated they are going back to the roots of what made Halo good and feel like Halo.


    It is too bad that some of you can not accept his opinion and deal with the anxiety that he feels and have to completely berate him personally!

    Great post, imo.
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