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  1. Totally agree. The 3 shot pistol made Halo so much fun. And it is definitely not a "noob" weapon. Also i realize that we did get some of the things that we asked for as Spectral Jester pointed out. but we did not get Halo CE matchmaking. Dont get me wrong, I love the new maps they are great. But to many things have changed from the original to this "Anniversary" edition.
  2. Im not sure if i missed something but why is it that we cant have the Halo CEA multiplayer maps, with the original pistol and no bloom? It would almost be like the TU Beta but with new maps and a different pistol. If we can get the ability to make changes for custom games...cool. But why not put it into matchmaking? Just like halo 1 (almost). It seems like they are so close with the TU beta.
  3. I think that the single player is amazing. It really brings me back to what I love about Halo. But what I really missed was the hours of joy i got out of system linking with my friends. The multiplayer maps are great and i love that they have been redone and updated, but it is the game play that really matters. WHY IS THERE STILL BLOOM?!?!? why does my pistol not have 12 shots? I really hope to see an update in the near future because if you plan on "staying true" to the original game, we would not be having this conversation. Edit: I would also like to add that it takes 3 meles to kill someone...are you kidding me?
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