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Everything posted by highplainsdrifter

  1. I definitely agree with you that all the times should be the same, that's a good point. I don't really agree with this only because if rotation snapping is still included players will just initiate an assassination in order to exit snap. I'm still debating myself whether using ammo or not would be a turnoff for me. I like your hand-to-hand ideas (throat jab? :sorcerer: ) and your grenade idea but i think that unless it dealt zero damage one grenade would have to be taken from your count.
  2. Understandable but i hope you're on more than that see you around
  3. This is going to be a long one so I'll just dive into it. No Halo before Reach incorporated the ability to assassinate other players and while it has some hiccups (like unintentional use, lag working it's shenanigans) and inherent balancers (vulnerability, duration) there are some other issues that haven't been addressed in this discussion so far. (WARNING if you have had the following discussion before, just punch me in the mouth and let's get it over with) So far, ways of fixing the beat down/assassination problem boil down to 1.) Assassination itself being a setting that can be turned on or off and 2.) Lengthening the melee button hold time. What hasn't been talked about are some things that i haven't seen much debate over in other similar threads, this mainly has to do with an epiphany i had the other day in a match. When the armor lock or assassination animation ends, you can instantly rotate your character to any angle if you were facing that way at the end of the animation. In a SWAT Magnums game this allowed me to instantly turn, crouch, and kill a passive third party which i assume was keeping a distance in hopes of headshotting me. I made this a single topic because they both have to do with the same principle. I don't know the technical term for this segment in the animations but I'll just name it "exit snapping" I would mostly like to discuss with players what their opinion is concerning the validity of the instant rotation that can be utilized when exiting these two animations. Is this a good way of balancing the dangers involved in performing assassinations and deactivating armor lock? Should it be altered somehow and if so to what extent or in what way? Can changing the assassination animation itself (length, positions of players, etc.) fix this? Or is this simply not an issue? Please keep it clean and friendly. I placed this topic here because the future of AA's and assassinations in Halo 4 is not certain, and while even I don't think another TU is a probable event in Reach this is something that could change Reach gameplay drastically and it is currently a factor in Reach's gameplay.
  4. Incoming wall o' text transmission There are a few serious topics going on in this forum as of late (nothing wrong with that of course) but I thought I would change the mood and dim the lighting a bit. After all there is supposedly a release coming out on the 29th and I wanted to inspire a little extra Halo love to float through the ether. I was thinking about assassinations the other day because I realized again that energy sword wielding players forgo knife assassinations and a entirely different set of animations is substituted. After playing too much grifball and searching the web for people's opinions I wanted to make a poll for your opinions of whether or not Halo 4 should include this idea of substitution for every weapon's assassination animation. Some people believe that assassinations are simply not a good thing to include at all because MC has never had a knife ingame before, I think that this could solve that problem. We can all agree that maybe players should be able to switch assassinations on and off, and the duration for holding down the melee button could be longer. The question is should weapons have different animations for assassinations? Should these animations show ammo being used (and use it, or not use it) or not? Should this not even be an issue and assassinations should be done with the hands, knife, or both? And finally should Master Chief throw in some more technical martial arts moves; kicks, Steven Segal inspired necksnaps, jujitsu, etc.? A couple ideas from me for this are: Gravity Hammer: smack to the head jab to the spine with spiked end choke hold and neckbreak with shaft Needler: normal whack but some of the needles get stuck, break off, and explode (non damaging) Magnum: spins enemy around and pistol whips in the opposite direction, breaking the neck
  5. teach me....YOUR WAYS111111 you know how recently you were saying how Sabre Interactive possibly did an enormous amount of work on CEA? Is it possible that this is what they are part of the team for?
  6. hahaha classic. I'd like to see more side story games like Halo Wars, ODST, and Reach for sure. My opinion on Halo 7 is a gray area, I want them to end it proper and clean aka beautiful like i know they will with 6. Going to 7 would only be something i'd like (at the moment) if it wasn't the start of another trilogy because I hate when movies do the same thing (not talking about Star Wars) and won't just end it with dignity. If the story goes to 7 then sign me up, if it goes to 9 i'm not sure i'm feeling so adventurous. The catch is how well Halo 4 campaign turns out story-wise, right now i'm really stoked about it (keep in mind that i was wary of 343 delivering a game worthy of the seventh column, so take this as you will) and if it turns out how i'm rooting for it then going all the way to the end of the story is a go for me. Even if that means going to 9. A little extreme, and it may not have been what you were asking about, but I'll be on this site for 15 years if that's what it means. To me it depends when the story has fully run it's course
  7. this is kind of speculation but an xbox 3 release seems unlikely and has been denied, check this one out http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/6033-halo-4-reveal-29th-february/
  8. I read in another topic that they'll be using a version of the Reach engine (among other ingredients). Is it likely that dedicated servers would make a difference if they could modify the old engine to allow for this hootenanny to take place? Is it likely that Reach's engine is modifiable in this fashion?
  9. ditto that, this reminds me of the floating car cheat from gta Vice City
  10. You should put up an option for the poll like "only if it's different from what we've seen before" cuz i'd teh votez
  11. Congrats to KAC 361 and Azaxx, and to everyone else for getting involved and making another great playdate! Looking forward to the community forge, sounds sweeee! !
  12. Thanks for posting this, i never knew there were so many glitches and easter eggs in that level, this has actually made it a priority for me to find them. And the tutorials, excellent. Great work on the directing and editing, and nice choices for the the soundtrack, gotta love Ratatat. I'm really looking forward to the next episode, it doesn't even matter than i can't understand the dialogue.
  13. I would be extremely happy to play through the campaign with you if you want, then again i'm in north america so depending on where you live that could be a nightmare for connection
  14. I agree http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/5977-should-halo-4-be-on-dedicated-servers/
  15. The awkward moment when your brother and you have a pact of completing the Halo CEA campaign on legendary first. But he won't play it with you... so day in and day out you watch your life slip away before your eyes because it's just one thing after another, there's no escaping it, it's just how the orange spins. Then you realize it's not even so much anymore that the reasons to not play it are endless, it's that you know what they are exactly anymore. You lose your job because you tell your manager that his face is good morning. So you start running with the wrong crew, you know, and before you know it you're waking up under bridges smelling of ham and cheap booze on weekday mornings. After that, before too long, there's no telling what turn your life could take next and you now find you're either laying awake at night or running frantically through the industrial parts of town until dawn before confusedly realizing you weren't being chased. Pretty soon you're trekking through a rainforest in a country you can't pronounce the name of and you're growing a beard to protect yourself from small rodents. Eventually you end up on a mountainside living off what you can scavenge from small birds' nests, which is where, as an old man, you eventually die of dehydration because you can't remember how to get back down the sheer walls of the mountain cliffs.
  16. why isn't it a Halo game? Halo 2/3 completely changed how Halo was played forever, if anything i would say that Reach is a conglomeration of everything that makes Halo. Just my opinion though, as you have yours of course, so i'm left wondering why you think this
  17. My k/d is something like .85, with my melee at .77 I don't really play competitively but to me the TU plays a lot more evenly than Vanilla Reach. This is your only problem with the TU, the melee system? Even if they went back to the original melee setting for Reach you still wouldn't get your melee in for the kill, as you say, because you haven't popped their shields (or have and you're too slow). So your opponent double melees you regardless. I'm sorry to say that changing the bleed through in yet another TU doesn't seem plausible at this point, as this one came out last fall and is still in the process of being integrated into playlists. But maybe, just maybe they'll now have 85% melee damage to go along with 85% bloom. I think it works fine, then again i just like to play
  18. Bleed through was in every Halo but Halo 3. I don't really have a problem with people who come at me with an AR because i pull out my AR. They aren't meant to be completely useless and so they're good at close range fighting. I'll admit i have yet to try out the three needler shot melee you're talking about (just to clarify, you aren't talking about the NR?) but the idea that bleed through itself is irreversibly wrong in Halo is definitely going against the grain. If you're using a rifle geared towards long range battles and you find you're getting irked at losing to a close range weapon I suggest you hang back or at least pick up a more complementary weapon for the map. Maybe the bleed through should be reduced, maybe the melee damage should be reduced. The point is that the vanilla system wasn't something people could agree with, you shoot someone without popping their shields and melee them and their whole health meter remains. Meanwhile they melee you twice and you die. The TU allows for you to put a few shots on them, melee before their shields are popped, and kill them as opposed to wasting the bullets altogether. Run and gun types will still do the same thing, the difference now is that your well placed shots will count for something. I don't mean for this response to be offensive but if you have a problem with them switching the Team Slayer playlist to TU you should write about that. If you want i'll even play it all day and vote non-TU, I don't believe all players should be neglected and maybe this is why you are so angry about it but frankly the resources are scarce for Reach's MM because Microsoft likes to make money. I'm sorry that you enjoy the TU except for this one update but without it the DMR would definitely be overpowered against close range weaponry and with it the weapons are more balanced.
  19. What i meant was this: i can fire once, while not aiming at the player, and if i track my reticle across their position i'll most likely hit something. It may not be the full damage but to me it makes it a funny gun. I don't know why you're talking to me about this when we both think the DMR is better.
  20. Mastoi Cheeee! other than that I'd like Forge: bigger budgets, structural object editing for every map, a grid with hundredths of (the current units) to snap objects to, some features that aren't found in MM and are exclusive to custom games Firefight: a forging option that incorporates bots, weapons, and various flood forms Matchmaking: a lot of original maps and a customs playlist (don't know how they'd do it but i want) other than that they'll work it out, they always do Campaign: serious mercatude by none other than the MC, Cortana being a BAMF
  21. Holidays 2012. This might interest you http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/6033-halo-4-reveal-29th-february/
  22. I want Halo 4 (and 3) to be released on PC so modders can use it. I think separate rankings could make the differences in gameplay experience null. As for hackers, read what Twinreaper said. As for not being able to afford an xbox, xbl, and Halo i think that's a perfectly legitimate argument although i can see how players are concerned about their games getting hacked by unfriendly modders.
  23. I agree that 'armor abilities' could make an appearance in the campaign possibly. I think they're going in the way of pickups if they return to AA's, that's just my opinion. Apparently Frank O'Connor said they are trying new things and that he didn't like armor lock. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/1856-halo-4-trailer-the-jet-pack-master-chief-used-explained/page__p__17211__hl__thrusters__fromsearch__1#entry17211
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