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  1. I immediately wanted to return the game when I realized after purchase that it was not actually the Halo 1 remake. I am busy about 99% of the time, and the only free time I had I watched youtube videos of how the multiplayer was going to be halo 1 remade. I'm not sure if this holds true to anyone else, but I was not informed that the game was no longer seeking that goal. Knowing this I would not have purchased the game, and I had no choice to be able to return it because of the game store. The single player is amazing. Every weapon and graphics hold true to the original. Why couldn't this be the multiplayer? I hear about splitting the fanbase. The fanbase is there because of the original Halo, nothing else. If it wasn't for Halo: CE Xbox wouldn't have gotten where it is today, and Xbox 360 may have never even existed. I would have gladly paid $100 or more to get the multiplayer update how the campaign is. The fact that I paid $40 for something that wasn't made clear I was getting is a disappointment in the least. If you didn't want to split the fanbase don't announce the remake of halo 1 and get everyone excited. At this point I'm truly skeptical of buying 343i games at all in case I get something I felt like I didn't pay for.
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