We need to be strong HALO community and not allow for 343 to make the same mistake BUNGIE ended up doing.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring back a ranking system - makes the game have a meaning.
GET RID OF BLOOM - it ruins the game.
Get rid of perks or at least Armor Lock who ever thought that that was a good idea, well we all know, LOL.
Bring back the BR or a gun similiar what on earth was the replacement in REACH.
IF none of this is considered HALO will simply goo bust people prefer COD or Battlefields and the only originality Halo had was lost in Reach when they stupidly tried to copy them with EXP systems and STUPID perks.
I would love to speak to 343 and Im sure millions of experience HALO gamers would too.
One more question who actually plays REACH anymore?