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Baby Boo

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Everything posted by Baby Boo

  1. I have more friends then you will ever dream to have. I don't get my *** beaten daily at school, as I am the biggest at my school. I am the wrestling champion of my age and weight division. You should really read one's profile. Also, I hit puberty at age 9, so that rules out your other unnecessary statement. Again, you have been classified by myself as a waste of time.
  2. An awesome read! I must say, John just might have been the best yet. I learned a lot about him. Back a while ago, I didn't know John very well... I knew that he was a great moderator, and that he had gotten demoted. I was very sad to hear the news. But then, one day, he appeared in the shoutbox, and I started talking to him. He told me of a few of his goals, and I was instantly interested. One of them being he wanted to make a kind site of his own, based off of games everywhere, from every platform, every age, and both genders. Seeing that he didn't have the time or resources, I decided to help our dear John out, and help administrate his site. John, you are a great friend, and I appreciate everything you do here! Keep being the great member that you are. I helped then... I will help you with anything in the future, you can count on me, and everyone else
  3. I am not immature. I also use those words in perfect context. Tell you what. I will leave you with this simple question: What makes me the idiot in this situation? Answer this to the best of your ability. And if your answer is as stupid as the rest of your replies, I will again disregard you as a waste of time. Nobody agrees with you here. You have to accept that you are not right. You have persistance, I'll give you that. But when it is used to keep trying to prove your wrong, arrogant point, it is no longer a good trait. Also, again, with the disrespect for my generation. You claim in a different thread that you do not mean to insult my generation? Please. Next you're going to tell me that pigs can fly, and cows don't produce milk. Adult words? What makes them adult words? Oh yeah, I forgot... NOTHING. The age of which you say a word is completely irrelevant. It's meaningless. You, I can tell, are on the verge of a warning or ban. While I cannot control this matter, I suggest you watch yourself.
  4. I'm not even sure what to say >.>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baby Boo

      Baby Boo

      Advice worth listening to.

    3. Azaxx


      But you cant hear on this site,only read ;)

    4. Quantum


      Exactly ^ He speaks in prophecies.

  5. Wow... your errors in your "corrections" to my post are beyond repairable. I will not even begin to try. You are possibly the stupidest person I have seen of your age. How am I not making sense? Am I freaking speaking french to you? Sorry. I forgot, your vocabulary is rather... limited. I'll dumb it down for you a bit. "You no make any sense. Your so called points are illogical and invalid." Simple enough for that tiny little brain of yours to understand? I also love how you say "In 3-4 years from now, you'll look back on yourself and realize how immature you were.". What I love about that statement, is that you are basically saying that you know what will happen. That you know how everything will turn out in the future. Please. Give me someone worth my time. P.S. Prejudice means, to define in a saying, to judge a book by it's cover. You don't know me, or what I am capable of. Yet you assume that I am the biggest idiot on this damn planet. That is called being prejudice, my friend. And arrogant means that you are very closed minded, and basically only think your opinion is the right one. You think you are the best. Also what seems to be a trait in you. Now, do I need to define all of the other words you listed, too?
  6. Hello, welcome back rumer!
  7. Hello and welcome to the forums rocky!
  8. You're welcome sir, but like I said, this is old and outdated. Stay tuned to our news team for more!
  9. Wow, I had a better idea of what the ranking system could be back then even then I do now...
  10. I would say it is most definitely a worthwhile buy. Nobody like rushing, camping outside of bestbuy on release day to get in first. And if you don't do that, you also don't want to wait a week until the rush is over. In my opinion, pre order is the best way to go.
  11. Don't. Even. Start. There is a very big and distinguishable difference between a pointless thread, and a worthwhile informative thread. You claim you aren't ranting about my original post. Yet, you also claim "So you can read a thesaurus, just to make you sound smart." It's funny, because obviously you don't know the definition of rant. You also claim "You are ******* 13 years old. " Yet again, it is funny because I am clearly more civilized in this manner than you are. I will talk you down if you are required to back off. This is certainly one of those times. You are like all others that I have met that are of older age then I am. You and your age is irrelevant, and don't you forget it. And if you talk to me about life experience, don't even start that bull with me. You have no idea how disrespectful of a being you are right now. This will not be tolerated by me. Would you like to know why I am currently, and always will be, winning this argument off or wit? And also the answer to the question of why I am more intelligent than most? The answer lies solely in my memory and my more highly developed critical thinking. My memory has a name. It is an eidetic memory. This means, to summarize, that I am able to memorize anything that I read or hear. Also, once memorized, is mentally impossible for me to forget. I don't need a damned thesaurus or dictionary to tell me my vocabulary. I use words that are best suited in my context. Words that will effectively put you in your place to stay out of my sight. I don't want to hear back from you. Your opinion is arrogant and prejudice. Leave this thread.
  12. I should include that, Lord Bullet XD
  13. Ok. So, this is the object... you know what to do, vote for the name that you prefer. If you cannot decide or have a better suggestion, please post below. Help with this decision is appreciated!
  14. Oh no! Everyone stop talking about him! He can hear us! READY NUKES! Err... Umm...Welcome back Zb! *prepares bomber* I kept your welcoming duty best i could!
  15. I would be more than happy to do that kind of job twin >.>
  16. Holy crap some of my old friends are so stupid! One of them didn`t know what eventful means. No joke.

    1. Zuko 'Zarhamee

      Zuko 'Zarhamee

      One of my friends thought that Halo was a type of ice cream. -_-

    2. DaveAtStateFarm


      My friend thought a master chief's name was HALO

    3. King of Winter

      King of Winter

      ^ omg that happens all the time.

  17. Hello and welcome to our awesome forums!
  18. While i do.agree, can you please not rant about the topic?
  19. I... No... I just... This thread is basically encouraging rants! *gets up, leaves*
  20. Why is this pinned, do you ask? Because it is a thread with a logical explanation of what we have seen. A worthwhile thread. While I have the biased opinion here, just know that this thread is best not ignored. This could be exactly what we were seeing in the game. And if you have not seen the video, how could you possibly rant about it? Your logic continues to evade me. Also, I don't suggest you insult our superior and more experienced mods. I imagine it won't turn out great for you in time to come.
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