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Baby Boo

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Everything posted by Baby Boo

  1. *clap, clap, clap* Well done, my friend!
  2. Welcome back delight! E3 was fantastic in my opinion!
  3. Not a huge brony fan myself.... TPAM is a great, trustworthy member. TPBM can be trusted as far as you can throw 'em.
  4. I bid you a warm and happy welcome
  5. Welcome to the forums! If you require assistance with anything at all, I would be more than happy to help!
  6. Thank you guys, I'm happy to see I am so cared about
  7. This forum will not go to a trash heap... I will bring it back from the depths of hell, if that is what it comes to. Awesome interview. Twin, I have always respected you, from day one.
  8. I'm a 4.5. I am not easily scared. There is a girl in my homeroom that is a 1 XD
  9. Hurry back, we will be waiting!
  10. @Doctor B77, refer to the pinned topic "June matchmaking updates". Anyway, I still think invasion is a very enjoyable playlist. I, personally, love the maps they added
  11. Wow, I was completely oblivious to that! Nice find! I am liking the looks of everything
  12. Hmm. That sucks for the Americans... That is weird.
  13. For lack of a better status.

  14. I remember seeing the site in june.... I never signed up then, and it was a decision that I regret. I would have been great to become a member earlier, to get to know all of you before hand. Instead, I decided to sign up in november, and realized then just how great this site is, and was virtually kicking myself for not joining last time I had the chance. Great job, fire, on your one year here!
  15. I read your OP, and I was really sad... you are a great friend to me. I then saw your recent post, and I was then overjoyed Welcome back anarchy!
  16. I am glad to finally see a supporter! Koodos to you for not just ranting about "Halo is turning into cod!" Or "bring back bungie!". Anyway, halo 4 does look like a very amazing game. Graphically, gameplay wise, and almost any other aspect you can think of, it looks better than all of the others. I have said it many times before, but I have very high hopes for 343!
  17. Because then I could not explain this all in detail. Most of these images went by quite fast in the video. They are simply easier to explain.
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