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Baby Boo

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Everything posted by Baby Boo

  1. I shall be the front-line juggernaut
  2. Brutes are bigger and heavier than Spartans.
  3. Many dislike this song for the fact that for one, her voice, to understate, sounds like a dying robotic cat. Secondly, the lyrics and the entire idea behind the song are utterly pointless. (why I do not like niki manaj, by the way). Lastly.... Well, she ain't exactly a work of art to behold, if you know what I mean.
  4. Welcome, I will be willing to help in any means nessisary
  5. The flood are not making a return whatsoever, as stated in previous news.
  6. Hunter: Death Brute: Severe damage, however at high velocity, death. Elite: Severe damage, but at high velocity, death. Jackal/skirmisher:60- 80% shield damage Grunt:30-50% shield damage
  7. Welcome, I would be glad to help
  8. Hello, welcome! I think you know your way around here already
  9. Welcome to the forums! I will be happy to be of assistance
  10. Minecraft playdate June 2nd, all day!

  11. I really enjoy where the game is going. They have brought in some new additions never used before in halo matchmaking, such as: Custom loadouts, armor and weapon skins, brand new ranking system, et cetera. People fail to see the positive side of all of these, and automatically come to the conclusion that 'halo is turning into cod, stop copying everything!'. This is untrue by all means. First off, cod is certainly not the only other game with these additions, so why compare to them, I do not know. Secondly, halo absolutely must change to grow. This is precisely what has kept halo alive the past 10 years: Changing and adding additions to the game, for a brand new feel and unique gaming experience, while still keeping the game, halo. I have 100% faith in 343 for keeping the halo series alive. -Bullet
  12. Do not worry about it. These threads come up significantly often. They irritate me, however, along with many others.
  13. Aww... Now I'm jelly I should have pre ordered from best buy!
  14. Hello, and welcome to the forums! I would be happy to be of assistance with anything
  15. Welcome! I do hope you enjoy your time here I would be glad to be of assistance with anything!
  16. 12, and I am 13 on the 13th of June.
  17. I am immortal TPAM is likely the most kind and caring member on these forums TPBM likes raw steak with uncooked eggs
  18. *shakes head, sighs, walks out digital thread door*. I'm sick of all of these threads. I am sick of the 'halo is becoming cod' threads, and I am sick of the 'halo is not becoming cod, so shut up' threads. Both are equally pointless. Halo is not becoming cod. It never will. I have no time to explain in full context.... But I hope that by summarizing, you all will finally stop complaining.
  19. I applaud this interview! Choot 'em, you are definitely one of the most honorable members here, and don't you forget that Let's hear it for Drizzy_Dan and Choot 'em!
  20. *remember to edit posts, not double post* Did you know there is no particular meaning behind the inheritor rank in reach? Forerunner, reclaimer (human), and inheritor. Supposedly, it could be precursers....
  21. Welcome to the forums! If you need to know anything of the site, I would be happy to be of assistance
  22. Welcome to the forums! I will be happy to answer any questions you may have
  23. Like mystic said, the update required for this would be far to large. This is better off as a halo 4 suggestion.
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