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Baby Boo

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Everything posted by Baby Boo

  1. Elites are not in because halo 4 multiplayer is a digital training system built for spartan IVs aboard the infinity, designed to let the Spartans learn each others tactics, weaknesses, strengths, and abilities in combat. Also, they fight against each other, for the reason that they learn what other spartan's instincts are in combat, and their fighting style. This is why there are no elites in multiplayer.
  2. Wow this is great box art. I really hope they will be selling posters, calenders, etc... I would more than willingly buy them.
  3. Haha I really started a chain reaction of belated introductions, didn't I? LOL Welcome! Oh no... wait..
  4. Just so we all know here, Elite ops has been a confirmed addition for quite some time. So there is really no need to be dissapointed, as a matter of fact elites will be in everything except for multiplayer. This should, by the elite lover standards, be satisfying.
  5. Hey, welcome man! Feel free to ask questions!
  6. Sorry, I should have worded that better. Yes, I meant all forum contributing art. I was just saying, because you were not to pleased when undead was opening his own sig shop... But, he didn't know.
  7. Grounded from xbox today >.>

  8. I'm supposed to feed my dog between 4:30 and 5:00. I fed her at 5:03.
  9. We need a launcher that locks on to air vehicles, and not so easily evadeable by banshees.
  10. Anytimebro Here to help, always glad to be of assistance
  11. Did you know that without the Hurragok, the elites were defenseless, as they had nothing else to repair ships and equipment except jirallenae and unggoy?
  12. Crap. I can't get on Monday, do to an unexpected freak force of nature. My mom grounded me from xbox for tomorrow. FML lol
  13. Hey man So. To post an image, it asks you for a URL. So in that case, you're probably thinking, if your image is saved on your hard drive, "what do I do?" Well first, you must go to I.imgur.com, and create an account. Then, click upload image from your computer. You then click the image you'd like to post, and upload it. Once it's done, click on it. There should be a series of URLs that contain the picture. Copy the default one. Then, go back to your post here, and click on the small image icon in the toolbar above your post box. Then, paste the URL And click Ok or go, whatever it says. Your image should be there Hope I helped!
  14. Well, these are the most exciting forums you'll find on the Internet Welcome! Please, ask any questions you may have
  15. I appreciate everyone on this site, for being such great members and making this site the best it can be. Most of all, I think twam deserves a shoutout, for all of the amazing work he does on this site for us.
  16. You may notice that I have liked every post here.... that is because each is recognizing an amazing moderator, one that tries his absolute best to keep this site the amazing forum that it is. You deserve this tribute, PWN, you truly do
  17. There is a thread for posting ideas. And you posted this twice, requesting lock of the second.
  18. This is old news.... But, I never did know how itd fire. Thanks man.
  19. Ok... I got a great team I was thinking a big team battle map. One maybe three quarters the size of the hemmorage area. I thought there could maybe be multiple levels, and wide corridors to be able to fit a scorpion, and with some room left. We'll discuss more about layout tomorrow.
  20. You'll find that every member here is very friendly I'm looking forward to seeing you out and posting, and looking forward to your long stay!
  21. Baby Boo

    Fan art :D

    It's... *sniff* beautiful...!
  22. Our very own 20000th member, ForXsample!
  23. Hi there, welcome! I hope you have a great time here. If you have questions about anything, be sure to ask, and I'll respond to the best of my ability
  24. Welcome! We have an amazing site here I hope you have a really great time here. If you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to help!
  25. Well well well.... Our sites 20000th member! This is a huge accomplishment for us, and I'd like to thank our new member ForXsample For being our long anticipated 20000th member! Congratulations! I think we all owe twam thanks for being such a great administrator, and attracting new members to this site! Congratulations ForXample!
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