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Baby Boo

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Everything posted by Baby Boo

  1. Should be under the map testing section. But sure, you can add me, and I'll help test it. GT: BulletStorm207
  2. Good, that's convenient, you're both already in my friends list Ok. So... Today is mothers day, so no Garuntee I'll be online today. Monday, though.
  3. Happy mothers day everyone! Now I have to run 10k at a mothers day run >.>

  4. Awesome stuff! Welcome! You should take theos advice and sign up for the art department, if you so choose Theo picks them, (I think), as he is head of the art department. You'd be good But all art aside, welcome, and I hope you have a great time here!
  5. Welcome to the forums man! We got awesome, friendly members here If you have any questions, I or others would be grateful to answer them! Edit: Are you the husband of the member Irish_Elf? Awesome, I love talking to her, and she says great things about your maps man
  6. Hey! I guess we all forgot to make an intro thread. I just reminded everyone! XD
  7. Welcome buddy! Lol almost suiting, you don't have an avatar, LOL
  8. Aww, I'd have been nice to have little brother or nice guy... But naw, you guys all deserve it
  9. Why don't they switch... B as sprint, thumb stick as crouch? It'd work better for me. And where is switch grenade?
  10. Why is time travel not possible?
  11. 1. I am legend. (Already a topic about this, just clarifying) 2. I personally like my CQB, chief and GNJIR helmet, and hp/parafoil chest, tactical/ugps wrist, all visors, (I like to customize), and vairous colors.
  12. Anytime, man, always like to help
  13. No, there will be no elites in multiplayer for halo 4. They will, however, have a presence in campaign, they will be in custom games and forge, and there will also be a small mission ops that is similar to spartan ops, but called elite ops, where you play as an elite. Taking them out of multiplayer was needed to have the loose tie to the campaign that we want. Multiplayer in halo 4 takes place in a digital environment for spartan IV training. This training program allowed the spartans to test their tactics, learn to work as a team, and learn each others abilities/andvantages, and also their disadvantages. They did not include the fighting of elites, as it would not make sense in a spartan training program. See where this is going, and why they cannot be in the multiplayer?
  14. Hey there, welcome! Don't hesitate to ask questions, we are all very friendly!
  15. Hey there turtle! Good to see you made an intro thread As you may have seen already, we have great friendly members here Don't hesitate to ask questions! I'd be glad to help, and I'm sure others would too
  16. Oh my. And here I thought that the bungie-343 "Who is better" war has ended. Well then, apparently not so. Alright, for starters, bungie never completly owned halo. Micorsoft did. Their 10 year contract with them ended, and there for they could not make any more games after that, which is where 343 came in to take over and continue our beloved series. So, please keep reading. Bungie was extremly dissapointed that the contract ended, and there was nothing that they could do about it. So, the employees that really had an attachment to the series they ever so loved, they transfered jobs over to 343 industries so that they could continue to help manufacture the next 20 years of halo. So let me ask you this, and it is the same thing that I ask all that rant against 343: You love bungie so much, and say you hate 343... well, based off of the limited summary of information I have just given you, you are basically hating on the company you do support, as because I said, 343 is made largely up of old bungie employees... Does not make a great amount of sense on your part, does it? I always hate it when people do this. It is so steriotypical, of everyone. When a new company takes over something they really know and love, they instantly assume the negative, and they think it is all downhill from there, that the franchise is doomed. Severely not so. Despite your claims of lag, 343 has actually been maintaining and paying more close attention to the servers than bungie ever did, on any of their titles. Sorry to say bro, but that part of your arguement was just made useless with the simple fact of you clearly don't have a very good connection. So, basic summary of all this, bungie ain't coming back as a company, and they likely never will. 343 has taken the series under their wing in the time that bungie needed to give it up, if anything, you should be extremely thankful, along with all of the others that hate on 343 like this. Because without 343, there wouldn't be a continuation of halo. We'd all be playing reach, for as long as the engine is supported. Which, also, would not be running if it weren't for 343. So I suggest you stop complaining about what you supposedly don't like, and look at the positive side of it for once. I'm sure it would have been no problem for 343 in the first place to just not accept the duty of maintaining halo, and could have just let the series drop. Think about my points here. -Bullet
  17. If anyone would still like a text color for themselves to use, go to my thread under the offbeat section and tell me which color you would like.

  18. Updated my profile...

  19. He everyone. I'm looking for good forgers that are talented in building creative slayer maps. Post here if you would like to build a couple with me!
  20. What time is it exactly where I am
  21. Did you know that the worlds the forerunners took shelter in were not in sight, but trapped in slipspace bubbles condensed to the size of a soccer ball?
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