You both need to quit it. While I do support Twins opinions and beliefs for this community, I must say, your argument with viva... That is part of what you aim to prevent, is it not? And viva, one of your arguements "You need to learn to tolerate intolerance", actually, no, we have no reason to tolerate rude and inconsiderate behavior. Sure, you have the right of free speech, but you have to take advantage of this right respectively, and without causing any form of harm, verbally or physically, to others. This is not a right for a select few to neglect.
Another thing you said earlier, younger players tend to be significantly more immature. When in realality, you come across simple kids like me, who can make better decisions, and overall show more maturity than others much older than they are themselves. I know you were not talking about kids in general, but I still failed to see the sincerity in that point.
I say just lock this argument down; now. It is getting neither of you anywhere, and is just filling up this thread. Not to mention, someone like me hates to see two members fight like this. This is all I have to say as of now. But both of you, please consider my points.