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Baby Boo

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Everything posted by Baby Boo

  1. LOL its funny, both of us, senior members, over 1000 posts, and never even introduced ourselves!
  2. Like others said, this feature does take skill to use correctly. You need to time it right to the millisecond to perform it right. Besides, if they have a game type of or similar to infection in halo 4, sword blocking will be key. Was in reach, because I found I was one of the few able to use it properly, and also use it against the humans come the chance. If you do use it properly, it is a very good advantage for you in a gametype such as that. However, I do believe that sword blocking in other game types are slightly unfair. For, I will use reach as an example again, if you work hard enough to get that sword, and if you work hard enough to close that gap, you should get the kill. Also, as mentioned, there is only one sword in the map, which spawns after a slightly lengthly duration of time. So, if you get it, you should have the ability to use it to it's full extent. Why, you ask, is it any different from infection and alternate game types? Well, example, in infection, energy swords are far from scarce. Zombies all get to spawn with them. And when they die, they're right back in seconds anyway. So humans deserve that ability as a method of survival. Because unlike the zombies, humans do not go back to their original selves. Just think about those aspects. -Bullet
  3. %#*$@ @$&%*!! *Sigh*. I'll try this again... Each of us. SEPRATE.
  4. LOL you all know me, but I just realized that when I joined, I never did create an introduction thread xD
  5. Precisely How much do we weigh? Exactly how many pounds? LOL Just guess lol
  6. Welcome! We have very friendly members here have a question? Feel free to ask!
  7. This text... every inspiring word was true. With twin, isn't it always? We need to come together as a community. We need to unite ourselves, dispite our differences or beliefs. We need to support each others ideas, and we need to accept these changes as a whole. I mean, look at these woderful forums. We have a very hardworking administrator, we have an outstanding moderating team, staff that devote half their life here, and we have some of the friendliest people on the internet gathered here. Each and every one of us, in each of these groups, contributes to this forum with all of your heart, in one way or another, making big changes and small alike. All of us make this forum grow and become a better place. But the only way halo will get back to the top of the gaming industry, is if we learn to accept others beliefs on different matters. I'm not sure what more I can say, other than we are one, and one is all. -Bullet
  8. Baby Boo

    Halo 4 Beta

    There will be no beta. Thread of this topic here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/4249-halo-4-beta/page__pid__93038__st__20#entry93038
  9. Welcome bro! Have any questions? Feel free to ask!
  10. Well... Linda did survive in glasslands. I personally liked her character and presence in the books.
  11. Sorry, It's blurry because I had to take a picture of a picure off of my ipod because it would not read the file. It is supposed to look a lot cooler than it does... sorta looks like crap in the picture lol
  12. No... It just doesn't really sound... Attractive, you know? I prefer halo 4.
  13. Baby Boo

    I need help!

    I just finished explaining to another member; 343 does have no direct private contact methods. Your best bet are the forums at halo.xbox.com. But, like undead said, they already have a system. It's too late. And yes, we are certain, as they have already released some confirmed information on it.
  14. Even the default spartan IV helmet...
  15. That would actually be a pretty cool addition. But what happens with a helmet like recon? Your vision could get pretty limited.
  16. Hey, it's all cool dude appologie accepted
  17. Well said, Twin. I'm sure you all know my age; I am only 12. And I, for one hate it when people automatically assume that just because of age, they are always inferior in every way. I can prove not so, and I have multiple times before. A good percentage of the time, one my age will easily prove themselves right against somebody double their age. Like I said, I have done it before. I ask of anybody with that state of mind, to kindly reconsider their opinions.
  18. I wish I'd have read this earlier.... I got the mother of all explicit messages a couple days ago, just because I beat him in infection.
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