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Baby Boo

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Everything posted by Baby Boo

  1. Ha! Numbers can in fact divided by zero. Because for example, you divide a number by one, there is still one group of that number. Divide it by zero, it means there are no groups, and there for nothing. Number divided by zero= zero.
  2. It's not camping.... It's strategic positioning TPAM is the kind welcomer of the forums TPBM does not like unicorns
  3. Whew, I think I did my fair share of typing slight walls of text... See you guys tomorrow!

  4. Whew, I think I did my fair share of typing slight walls of text... See you guys tomorrow!

  5. I completely agree with you, sir. Elite fans are taking this all far to seriously. They need to start thinking about the future, and accept the change. We cannot have the same enemy, or enemy species, in this case, forever. People need to adapt, and accept that this is the way halo grows. Halo is still the unique game it was since 11 years ago, and it's due to change In gameplay, and enhancements in the storyline and multiplayer. With change, this is how halo grows. Not how it's destroyed. -Bullet
  6. Depends on it's usage. For example.... Multiplayer? Overpowered much? So unless they counter with a phantom, that's a big no for multiplayer. Forge and custom game, however, seem fun. Id like to see them there.
  7. Hey, welcome to the forums! We hope you enjoy it here Have any questions? Don't hesitate to ask!
  8. It happens a bit here, too. But at the end of every argument, we always come out with a smile on our faces! Because like some may have said, this is the happiest little corner of the Internet
  9. Killa KC did say there was a slight bullet spread on the BR, but there was bloom on the DMR. However, he also said the reticle contracts much faster. Sounds good to me
  10. Military ration bars. Taste nasty, but can keep you alive for days and weeks on end
  11. But that is just adding to his pile of questions... 0.o
  12. Both are simply good playlists. While I did slightly prefer the TU, I did still play a lot of vanilla reach. So on topic; "Is 343 ruining halo reach?", no they are not, but simply enhancing and adding to it to fit all playing audiences. There should be no complaints over one or the other, as we both know, for something like slayer, there is a vanilla reach playlist (team slayer), and a TU reach playlist (super slayer). If you prefer one, play on the playlist that coincides with your preference. There should be no negative comments on the other. Just stay within your zone, and don't let it beyond that. In my eyes, the system they have made for it is working perfectly.
  13. Ok guys, let's slow down questions here, let him get to answer them before he drowns.
  14. Some things you have listed here have already been confirmed in the game. I will use the example, you said no sprint or AA's. Well, you got your wish, only that sprint is no longer an armor ability; but rather a permanent built in system. I suggest, like Doc said, to read threads on this forum and edit your post accordingly
  15. The handwritten text reminds me of Absolute Dog ... Nonetheless, I would personally be on blue team. I just prefer them.
  16. Ahh I see I thought that was simply members doing that to stay clean themselves, but I see now.
  17. Aiming a bit high there with 73 and 120... Nevertheless, I have slowed my posting drastically, and now I only post a few times a day in the offbeat section. I now post with quality in other sections, mainly in halo 4 and occasionally in the reach section.
  18. We will continue to look for confirmation on this, but for now we assume there is both reach and 1-50 ranks.
  19. Yessss. The reach shotgun was by far my favorite. I'm glad it is making a return.
  20. Baby Boo


    I sure hope 343 not only keeps it alive in halo 4; but makes it an honor to have again. In halo 3, Bungie did exactly that. They made it very challenging to get, so only the select few elite players had it. I play halo 3, and look up to the players wearing recon with envy. He was good enough to get past those challenges. Everyone was always jealous of the ones with recon. But, despite bungie's efforts to keep that helmet and armor sacred, 343 unlocked it for everybody. This sort of made my upset, not for myself, but for other players that had spent hours, maybe even days, getting that beloved piece of armor. All that play time, useless, due to it all being given out for free. Now, I never got recon, I never tried, but if I did and spent that amount of time on it, I would be somewhat close to furious. Nevertheless, now we get to reach. Here, bungie, seeing the community's love for this helmet, made it one of the easiest things in the game to get. The pride in halo 3 was gone. Now, you look up to a player with recon in reach, and you just realize... Oh. He just reached the rank of colonel, and spent the low 100 000 credits to buy it, or just got one of the tens of thousands of recon free codes. Yipee. I think I can safely say, that reach ruined the recon experience for everyone. However, I must say they kind of made up for it, by making the CQB helmet the one that everyone envied. This one, I did decide to get. Although it is not the glorious halo 3 recon, it will have to be the next best thing. So, please 343, for the sake of our pride in the game and armor, make recon somewhat sacred and godly to have again. Be sure to make everyone that wants it work for it, so that it has a truthful meaning again. This is all that I ask. For the sake of recon. -Bullet
  21. Awesome now I can read back through the interviews!
  22. Hey there! Welcome to the forums! Have a good stay good stay here, and make lots of friends
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