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Baby Boo

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Everything posted by Baby Boo

  1. What is the answer to any number divided by zero...
  2. Really? There is an automatic sensor system? Or are you referring that mods will edit posts to make them clean?
  3. Rules should be in the terms of use at the bottom of the page. There is no auto censor system; but we please ask you to not curse. Regarding your awards, contact a moderator about that. If not, simply wait patiently. I hope I helped!
  4. Sigh... More school...

  5. As far as we have seen, and are assuming, it is both. The reach rank will also come with a number (eg. 50=inheritor, 1=recruit, etc.). The spartan points are earned every time you go up a rank. (eg. 1, recruit, to 2, private, and # of spartan points awarded). This is as far as we know; and assume it is relatively correct.
  6. Congratulations Azaxx! From the first time in the middle of April, somehow I just knew I'd be you.... You deserve it! Well done!
  7. Haha, I think that looks really good I say keep it as is
  8. Great info, every aspect of the game seems great I hope there will be a customizable setting for a reach button layout and halo 3 button layout. That would be awesome
  9. Halo 4 has confirmed a halo reach-halo 3 ranking system mix.
  10. I don't know... However, I have always hoped for a second ODST game.
  11. At age two, which part of your brain is already fully developed?
  12. Yes, and I completely agree. The ban system in reach is unfair, and just won't cut it. I like your idea for analysis of movement.
  13. Night guys... I'm out

    1. ZB-85


      Good night BulletStorm.

  14. I put in a penny... And out comes a 1000000 dollar cheque
  15. Considering EVERY aspect, which forum is better overall? Ours or waypoint?
  16. I guess you wouldnt know that I'm atheist, then lol
  17. I really do love your intro! Welcome to the forums!
  18. That's 30000 credits for me I also happened to not die, so that also means I get the demon and flawless cowboy commendations
  19. Awesome, this makes the aspect of custom loadouts much more enjoyable
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