I do not know if you guys have heard yet, but they have leaked how they plan on making the ranking system. It sounded a little something like this:
They are going to make somewhat of a hybrid
between the halo 3 and halo reach ranking systems. I say this, because this is how it'll
work: Just like in halo 3, there will be an EXP
system of ranking up. Meaning one win, equals
however many amount of EXP. Now. They have
added a reach side to this, by including a
system temporarily called 'Spartan points'. This
will work somewhat similar to reach's credit
system; just set up slightly differently. You see,
instead of simply getting credits every game, like
reach, you get them apron every rank up. So
basically, you win a game, and you rank up. So,
after you rank up, you will get Spartan points. I
think that is fairly simple to remember.
Anyway, this is what has been leaked on the ranking system. Although they have released
how they will do it, we are still yet to see what
tgey plan to use for ranks themselves: Either
reach's picture and name ranks, or halo 3's 1-50
ranks. I will update once I know for sure.
As for the concern regarding the plasma pistol custom loadout idea, I doubt they would allow that, as they likely know that would be an issue too. So for now, I say dint worry about it; 343 will make the right decision.