Overall, this is what I think of my favorite weapons, abilitys, vehicles, and armor, and reasoning for all. You ready? Wall of text incoming.
Favorite weapon: The DMR.
I choose the DMR for a variety of different reasons. For one, it is effective at all different ranges, from short, to mid, to long. As long as you can stop your thumbstick from moving to fast at close quarters, it is a very effective weapon even in that aspect. At mid range, it is easiest to aim, fire, and ultimately earn the majority of your kills. Though with bloom that forces you to strafe a bit, it is still by far definatley one of the most effective weapons at this range. Now finally, at long range. Now, similar rule as to that of close quarters, you do not want your thumbstick to move very much while aiming, which I am very effective at. The greater range requires you to strafe even more, but at the advantage of the enemy not being able to distiguish who you are until it is too late. And lastly, with the DMR, it has very sufficiant clip size, which is a big up side for me, as I tend to like attacking groups of enemys at a time. Overall, this is what makes the DMR one of my definate favorites.
Favorite secondary weapon: (armor ability dependant), the shotgun/sniper.
As you see, I have provided my two favorite secondary weapons. And I say armor ability dependant, for these particular reasons. With sprint or any other ability, I will prefer the sniper rifle over the limited-range shotgun. Reason being, is that with a sniper on the map, it means I will rarely be in close quarters situations. (with the exeption of uncaged). Therefor, I pick up the sniper as my weapon of choice. Now, secondly, the shotgun. The shotgun is easily one of my favorite weapons, alongside the DMR. This is the secondary weapon I would use with an armor ability of drop shield. Now, you may be wondering how this works. You see, lets say you are out and having a jolly good time earning kills with your, when an enemy player attacks you from the side, and you deploy a drop shield. The player, obliviously and blinded by the exitement of a kill, will come into your drop shield. That is when you switch over to your shotgun. This will catch him/her off guard, and they will likely walk straight into your trap. I enjoy using this tactic often, as it does have a tendancy to work more often than it should. Anyway, I think I have explained for long enough of why I chose the shotgun. On to my favorite armor ability.
My favorite armor ability: Sprint.
Yes, sprint. The most simple of all armor abilities, but perhaps the most useful, if used right. Sprint is a very big advantage for multiple things: Rushing enemy bases, rushing power weapons, evading danger or a fight you cannot win, and gaining stratigic positions before the enemy gets the chance. It is also extremly useful for when you have a weapon such as the energy sword; you guessed it, sword rushing. Which I love to do. And not just with the sword, but with weapons like the shotgun as well. This works exceptionally well for me, and earns me at least a few kills every slayer match. When used wisely, sprint is the best choice of armor abilities you can get.
My favorite vehicle: The mongoose.
I know, you're all thinking that I'm such an idiot, the mongoose is useless, et cetera et cetera. In my opinion, I just find it fun to drive, and I think it is just the cutest little thing!
And finally, my armor.
As you can see, my fate lies with the CQB helmet, the HP/parafoil robot arm chest, the right security shoulder, the left JFO shoulder, the tactical/UGPS wrist, the... whatever it is utility, the gold visor, and the gungir knee pads. This is just the armor I like to wear, and what I feel represents me best; BulletStorm207.