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Baby Boo

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Everything posted by Baby Boo

  1. Granted, but yours breaks and shipping and manufacturing of more shuts down I wish I had a job so I could actually buy things I want lol
  2. Not sure if what you mean by mother you mean your leginamit mother, or what I'm not sure... But I don't drink energy drinks... I GUESS red bull.
  3. Nooooooooooo The person above me is an amazing spray painter and artist The person below me likes fried beans in honey mustard.
  4. Granted, but your Internet crashes for weeks... I wish I was a mod!
  5. Points for what? Anyway, I'd fight an army of brutes rather than elites or skirmishers anyday. I find them easy to fight
  6. WIN lol reminds me of arby n the chief "the reunion". Lol "SPIDAR CH33F!" *splat*
  7. I ban you for starting the confusing I ban you because argument
  8. I didn't get the jackpot yet... I did get the weekly challenge though!
  9. Sorry hotdog, but I'm positive that the moderators and Twam have better things to do.
  10. I'm sorry, I have personally never tried them, so I can not give you a description...
  11. I don't know what is wrong with them. I'm thinking the opposite of you guys right now; brutes are really fun to fight. I don't know... Its just their tactical stupidity that makes them so fun!
  12. Broken glass. At least it has SOME flat surfaces. WYR Gatorade or powerade
  13. I ban you for having an easiER name to type
  14. Granted, but now you can never fall asleep again I wish I had a pineapple
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