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Everything posted by DaveAtStateFarm

  1. Elelphant be back preez! lol nice post archy!
  2. Yo mama so fat she sat on a rainbow And skittles popped out.
  3. i be sexy, give me an award for being sexy. ok? Or make a SANDWICH AWARD, for making a mod a sandwich and posting a pic of it.

  4. Yo Mama so fat she sat on Wal-mart AND LOWERED THE PRICES! WHATTTTT NOWWW SONNNN?
  5. Oh boy this gunna be fun. I have a KWC/cyber gun liscence Desert Eagle. An M4A1 custom paintjob. Tactical vest and mesh mask And leg holster. LIKE A BOSS. I also have a shotgun. and a few springers.
  6. Fred FTW P.S odst 2 would be great, they left alot of things at the end that you could imagine what would happen next. I would Love to have a sequal. With Special Ops. I could totally imagine a Black Ops styled mission, Maybe James Bond themed story. Silence is key.
  7. I'ma be your vice-vice-President.
  8. Thanks fro post! They actually showed the magnum too, just not in the CAMPAIGN part, the magnum works just like Reach's. But i'm not sure about scope yet.
  9. Not picking favorites but i do have some sex slaves who deserve a mention 1. Donut 2.Miniamp 3.DragonMonday 4.king Brony II 5.I'm my own sex slave 6 you 7 you 8 you 9 you 10 you
  10. We are the 12-13 year old army, sign up today!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PrometheanSigma


      Where are the training grounds, sir?

    3. Azaxx


      Pfft the mudkip army will win

    4. DaveAtStateFarm
  11. Join my 12 year old clan, our text is BOLD RED, and we're insanely kickass, Who's in?

  12. That would just make the game worse, why would they downgrade it? CEA was just a filler nuff said. Let them work on Halo 4
  13. I don't even understand why they even made the 4GB, maybe for little kids to feature the Kinect etc, But seriously! I'm sorry to hear about your problem, go to gamestop or Best buy, they might have a spare harddrive.
  14. Whats the point of this? We already have NETFLIX! seriously, Netflix is cheaper too. Wow Amazon.
  15. I'll get on it as soon as I have an Idea!
  16. Rage comics are fun!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DaveAtStateFarm


      Yay Dino! We should work on some together!??

    3. a live dinosaur

      a live dinosaur

      lol how would that work?

    4. DaveAtStateFarm


      Give eachother ideasss...??


  17. Dude, I was eating cereal with hands,Mad indeed. I never eat cereal with my hands.
  18. Anarchy I'll start! Give me a minute for my ideas to process.
  19. First one i've ever made, featuring Donut, If you want to be in on one. Please comment/post below.
  20. Oh no, I remember last year too, he was still singing! I can't believe he is in a coma, I'll honour him by singing. Who's with me? On june 3rd, I'm going to sing in the shoutbox, and in random games in Xbox Live
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