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Everything posted by DaveAtStateFarm

  1. Mayb just put it back on ODST's disk, or atleast make it am playlist in matchmaking.
  2. Awesome! ^^ agreed with Drizzy. You did a good jpb and I appreciate the find!
  3. Happy Friggen Birthday Twam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Happy birthday our beloved Twam. Without you we're stuck on Bungie.net. I thank you! I love you!!!
  5. When I know what the editions are.
  6. guys look at my "likes" Because Father Bullet helped me achieve my life goal

  7. Hipsters these days.

    1. DerpWithAGun


      What is a Hipster?

      And what is an Indie?


      So many people use these words dunno what they mean

  8. Halo 3, big group of grunts ey? *pulls out BR and pops one* "oh no! you killed yapflip! Or was it flipyap? AH I don't know flipyap and I ent to Nipple academy together!" 2-3 brutes here, *kills one* "NO! you killed my lover!"
  9. Lol! very helpful! I wish Reach gave you more colors to use like them. and where's Jorge? But still you can get pretty close!
  10. feel like I just got kicked in the bawls

  11. I like Halo 3 more because you had a bit more freedom in the campaign, and the multiplayer never got boring, The campaign as more colorful too. You also had a taste of exploration.
  12. :backstory for shadow: There I was, with my family. Enjoying my day at the park. I was only 6. Tag, My friends and I were sprinting through the tall grass. I never got tagged. Why?I was the fastest, and when it came to video games- I was deadliest. As I took cover behind a tree hoping not to be tagged. I felt a Hand grab me, For a second, I thought I was tagged. No. It was a man and a woman, tall. One with gray hair and really dark eyes, and the woman with kind eyes. They let go and walked away. What was that? Who were they? Were they looking for someone? Eh, I was 6, didn't matter. I dashed through the field. Sprinting and dodging my friend's foolish attempts to tag me. Oh no, He gave up. sore looser. No pain, no gain. My parents came up to me. "Time to go son" I held their hand and walked toward our car. The car door opened, As soon as I took my seat in the car, I had to go. Go as in... "go" My mother walked me to the nearest bathroom. I saw them. The people. The same people who grabbed me. Staring. I opened the stall door, And then I heard a nock. Oh gosh. They were the last thing I saw before I got stuffed in the back of this...car? No, something like a car...Not sure. Turns out, I found a place to "go" after all. Today I'm known as Shadow, the team's finest close quarter badass. Now i'm forced to defend reach with my family, My spartan famiiy, my new familiy, My real family. My teammates,more like my brothers. Arch, Reaper,Eclipse, and specter. Arch, our leader, my closest friend whom I trained with ever since i "went". I've trained with him. Forever, Stayed by his side and he stayed by mine.He taught me things I needed to know. I'm the only one who bothered to remember his name. Jason. Do I remember mine? David? Yeah, that's right. Let's go with that. Now I must defend Reach with my team, my brothers. Everyone's lives depend on us.
  13. May the 4th be with you! National star wars day! :chewbacca sound:

  14. May the 4th be with you! National star wars day! :chewbacca sound:

  15. Miss you Luke. Miss you.

  16. NO! luke! You put all your dedication to the forum! Now it's going to waste? NO, i don't want to see this. I won't settle for it. You were the heartbeat of the forum, you made the Youtube channel which was a huge success here. We love you Luke. Our top 15 will never come ey? Top most dedicated members.(in my eyes) 1. Luke 2.Archangal Tyreal. 3. Mr.Biggles. 4.Kurt 5.ZB-85 6.Bullet storm 7.Vitamin PWN 8.FIREN4 9.Azaxx 10.Twin Reaper. 11.Adamj004 12.Spectral Jester 13.SuperIntendent 14.The director 15.Total May3m MAy be changed in the future. I want you to know That i will miss you and i won't think the forum would be the same without our cabbage loving friend. I will wait for your return, it's hard to leave, I know you'll be back...I know... But until then At ease. Cya. :broken heart:
  17. You keep this forum's heart beating. I mean seriously, you're nocking on a MOD's door everytime I get on! You deserved this honor! I'm glad you get to experience the forum's favorite color. <3
  18. Well, I played and completed Halo wars. They are al in cryo sleep somewhere in space, similar to how Halo 3 left off, but they have a full ship, not half. So, they're just stranded in space. Pretty craptacular way to forget about some characters. I miss the Red Team, although at the end of Halo wars, they left a cliff hanger, Sequal? Oh boy I need to wipe the milk off my keyboard. auykfgeuvrkdihsefig Ok, Maybe it might be crashed in Halo 4's planet? LOL not impossibru, but possibru.
  19. Personaly loved Reach the way it was, sure it got boring after awhile, But that's why we have LIVE and Friends. Compared to other games, Reach was amazing. Some people don't respect how long it takes to actually make a game. They critisize it. I hate that. Go make a better game! When 343i made an update, it changed my world. They added a color to Halo again. Although with Reach's weapon arsenal, I don't think Zero Bloom Magnums makes this world a better place. That's why they kept the Vanilla Reach, and a little "in-between thing" that I really like! I hope 343i brings new colour to the Halo universe and makes it the Halo I enjoyed at my young age. I've been playing Halo my whole life, It only got better, Sure there was some faults. But compare that ONE fault, to all the good things? 343i Is fixing Bungie's faults. And making a new game. It will have faults garaunteed. But the future still has a butt-load of things that could happen. will Halo 4 have a TU?
  20. I've fired an M-16 before, and dis-assembled it. and re-assembled it. it's pretty awesome! But, it james alot...Lol My fave class would be Assualt weapon: M-16 (all american bad*ass coming through) Shotgun: Spas-12, Secondary: Desert eagle .50 AE, or the Desert eagle 1911
  21. Uh...? It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me Admittedly I probably did it subliminally for you So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through And don't even realise what you did, cuz believe me you I been through the ringer, but they can do little to the middle finger I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king of My World, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead No more beef flingers, no more drama from now on, I promise To focus solely on handling my responsibility's as a father So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it You couldn't lift a single shingle on it Cause the way I feel, I'm strong enough to go to the club Or the corner pub and lift the whole liquor counter up Cause I'm raising the bar, I shoot for the moon But I'm too busy gazing at stars, I feel amazing
  22. As you can see the new pics of the pistol!
  23. Halo was, well, the first game for MLG! I go back to the Halo 2 days and watch how people traveled all over the world for champion ships, this is kinda like a stab in the balls for Halo. Without Halo, where would they be? They can't do this. Even though Reach is 2 years old. that doesn't mean anything. I am displease with the world we live in today.
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