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Everything posted by DaveAtStateFarm

  1. Nice find! It looks real fun to play on, i hope all the maps in Halo 4 are forgeable, like in H3, all maps can be edited. The empty space reminds me of foundry *crosses fingers*
  2. Ok, Like other games, before I do this, i'm give you an example. Let's say you're in a good game right? And someone leaves on your team, it just ruins the experiance. I'd like to se someone join in and replace him, any empty slots could very well be joinable, i see this in alot of games. But there is a downside. If the player joins, the only get about half the game. Honestly i think it would be a Ok idea. Maybe 343 can fix it a little. Makes Halo more friendly, especialy when your whole team quits! Anyone have their opinons? PLease add on.
  3. Or lord that's great, but with this generation, new consoles, games. Would anyone even think about going back so far? Atleast an arcade remake, seems nice.
  4. Regardless Halo 3's last level So intense, changed me. What video games should run for today, epic music, INTENSE gameplay
  5. excuse me Ho-ly shyit! Spider-man You're doing it wrong
  6. Maybe even make it Snowy, or night time! Snow-trap lol Also, grassy-ness etc it would make it beautiful, trees, everything.Along with the classic of course
  7. i would enjoy a remake so much! especially BTB! I'd like to see a classic version, and well, a newer version, like tunnels and extra hills.bases.
  8. Some guy asked me how to get recon I said "balls, sweaty hands, dedication" He called me *****. I'm such a trulul
  9. Either the Magnum Or the Spartan 2 program Just volounteering...not kidnapping
  10. MajorLeagueDerp DerpsAhoy! TeachMeHowToDerp LikeToyDerps DerpsNeverDie
  11. LOL I would steal the grunt ^^ and i would use his backpack for a snack bowl! Stuff him up with fluff! And put him next to my bed! Like teddy bear!
  12. Omg yes lol, also it should take you into 3rd person while you're falling. And it should let you pull out a gun too! Lol, not exactly a parachute, considering it's a while in the future. LOL *parachute pops out of hole in helmet* Booya
  13. Real name: David Team name: Shadow or Rex But my real Name is David, i think we should all be our real name, along with our team name, Let's say we're on a mission "shadow closing in" and something dramatic happens "david! david! can you hear me!" or something like that idk
  14. You just said Halo 2 pistol was pointless!Lol H3 pistol is a great emergency weapon, you should use it more. espcially when their health is down.
  15. also, slowing you down for fall damage too! Especialy in campaign i can see it as a big role. Real good for DropPods lol
  16. Quick! look left!------------------> you fail at life

  17. As in Jump height? Or what? I'd like jump height, especially big maps.
  18. Slap in the face for me! I did ENDURE for this. Like wow man. atleast the Achievments don't dissapear. Atleast they KNOW i earned it. Made me feel lke i wasted my life.
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