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Everything posted by DaveAtStateFarm

  1. *gives you popcorn* Here, we'sa watch "hurtlocker" together? Great job! *looks at my posts* aww...
  2. Ok, I don't have Halo combat evolved, I downloaded it without a CD-key. When I try to download CE. I type in a code I found, iit takes me to "Halo console (1)" Is that bad? Because everytime It happens, I have to wait a half hour to redowload it and try another time, key doesn't work, I have to download again,Do you have a LEGIT key that won't do this?

    1. One


      I could fix the problem, for the cost of your soul

    2. DaveAtStateFarm



      For a Halo game?








    3. One


      The contract is sealed.

  3. Hmm, Maybe it's just a coincidense. Although, MC's suit does look wierd with the dots, I kinda liked the Halo 3 armor plan.(under suit)
  4. CONGRATS!! *looks at my posts* Aww....
  5. Geez, scrolling through TV channels is so much hardwork. Degrassi isn't so good either...Oh lawdy

  6. Great tips! I can use these, and much of them too. Considering I'm a noob, Lol THANKS!
  7. Way to ruin any fun whatsoever..CRY!
  8. I already had this, but I changed my ethernet cble to wireless, would it still work? By the way, this is NOT xbl. long DISTANCE system link. WARNING: there are some modders
  9. *Rips off pants revealing 70s dancing pants*

    1. One


      *rips off pants and reveals all* Oh god, im nekked!!

    2. DaveAtStateFarm


      *tries to rip off pants but instead trips himself do to him pulling down*

  10. Try playing the original theme JUST under this. Amazing, THANKS!
  11. Hmmmm. I want to MAYBE enter. How do I upload pics on here? .. Can we work with friends etc?
  12. Celebratory t-bagged the ashes joyfully.
  13. You know. I've never played Pokemon. Mainly because. I would rather not see animal abuse, everytime I beat teh **** out of things. eR mudkipz! WE ALL LIEK TEH MUDKIPZ!
  14. I went on to play SWAT on H3. 14 people were online! I miss the days where it was jam-packed! 14 PEOPLE! OUT OF USA AND CANADA......14...
  15. I am 12, born the year before Halo 1 came out.Played for 10 years. I'll play for another 10 years.
  16. I grew up with Halo, Had an oversized Xbox controller since I was near 2. Flood scared the crap out of me...compared to the "locust"
  17. Well, wort wort wort=go go go. Elites talk backwards. Even though that's not how they're spelt. Not trow trow trow. It's GO GO GO. And. I don't know what Bungie was snorking when they thought of BLARGH!
  18. looky here, the smallest violin in the world! *sir there's nothing there* exactly!

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