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Everything posted by DaveAtStateFarm

  1. DaveAtStateFarm


    how duz you mayk imagez on treefertree indushriez?
  2. turns out i might be pre-ordering standard edition Halo 4....can't find any Limited Editions from Best buy or Walmart...or gamestop..

    1. Minuette


      SAME! I'll just get the limited edition later on

  3. Super Nintendo vs Sega Genises BEST GAMING WAR EVER
  4. NAAAAAAAAAIIIOOOOOO!!!!!! How else willl i take my showers....
  5. Welcome back! looks like i'm back too! and you totally aked my GIF idea >
  6. Also with the ability to change visor color. black visor color and white armor.....here comes the machinimas...
  7. Things change, lol, i've seen a helmet that looks EXACTLY like the old HAZOP, yet Hazop has nothing to do with Hazop, maybe yyou can find an EOD subtitute
  8. If you guys haven't noticed. I've been gone for awhile, now today i have made my official return to the forum! I will try my best to be on as much as I can, i'm hoping to see lots of you in the shoutbox, and in my kitchen making me food. I hope no-one forgot how sexy I look. Because you'll be seeing a lot of me!
  9. Note to self: next time someone sends you a message saying "do you like men too?" report them.
  10. Guys, for Halo 4 pre-order skins, can you change the helmet and keep the skin? Because i think you just need like the chest or something, or do you need ALL the armor?

    1. Archangel Tyrael

      Archangel Tyrael

      The Armor Skin is used with any armor. They used that armor to show off the skin. They skin is available to any armor setup.

    2. DesertSpartan


      In the PAX Armor video the skins are exclusive to specific armor pieces, that probably changed though.

  11. I can't stop thinking about why they discontinued Cheesey Balls? or whatever they're called, idk whatever sounds "groovey"

  12. not sure if anyone posted this yet, i might be late, but this is interesting to me. RED VISORZZZ!
  13. Bullet inormed me that i might be returning to the top 15 selectors next month. honey i'm home :)

    1. Baby Boo

      Baby Boo

      Haha, I didn't say positively, I said possible ;) But I'm also not saying don't get your hopes down, as you will likely be one of the first if this is agreed with!

    2. DaveAtStateFarm
    3. DaveAtStateFarm


      i said "might" anyways.

  14. Bullet inormed me that i might be returning to the top 15 selectors next month.

  15. Was this the top 15 me and a few members started awhile ago? if so i'm suggesting Top 15 regular members (green members) that would be up for discussion.
  16. It'd be cool if you played as a Marine, or ODST. 0_O
  17. 1. Lollipop Chainsaw 2. Halo, i would dislike seeing Dr.Halsey naked.
  18. wow, this forum has come a long way congratulations you guys!
  19. And if spider-man really wanted to KILL him, he'd punch him in the heart. once. ok, so you're telling me you let everyone else's opinions and suggestions work, but not mine, because i'm right? and Spider-man is Marvel, mr. And Marvel and DC do have crossovers, that even had it's own series.
  20. And if Spider-man really wanteed to KILL him, he'd punch his heart.. ONCE !!! wrong topic!!! anyways, nice read. and someone please delete my recent post!
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