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Everything posted by DaveAtStateFarm

  1. I've the comics. spider-man has defeated him during the Civil War story, and Bat-man can defeat him by short circuiting his armor.
  2. Spider-man beat Iron Man before. Bat-man can defeat Iron Man too, the hulk could crush him and Michael Jackson can even beat him.
  3. This is very nice! may i ask, will there be humor through the story? Wait a second, mijolnir armor has laces?
  4. THANK FRIGGEN GAWD now i have a chance to get some game fuel, i mean, legit halo game fuel.
  5. Junior High starting soon....0_O

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Donut
    3. DaveAtStateFarm


      Junior high sounds more mature :D

      i feel like a big boy now, 7thhhh graddeeee!!!

    4. Azaxx


      1 and a tiny bit of a year left for me, and I'm done.

  6. Woa dude.You have a Nokia in 2012? HIGHFIVE. but on subject,i don't think that's possible.....yet..
  7. Welcome to my hellfire club- Oh wait, um. Yeah, welcome to The Wonderful World of Alic- 343 industries
  8. Good to have you back, you lovable butt-face you.
  9. I liek it, like if you're just falling, you hold down a button and you start dive bombing, so you speed up the fall. But it addds risk to your damage.
  10. Vehicle ideas? 2 words. FREAKIN' SPEEDBOATS!
  11. Waiting for Counter Strike :Global offensive
  12. Hey, i would love your own armor decals. Like dust, scratches, or even flames. Spider-webs lol i hope there's a color wheel for color selection. I want Purple or Red visor lol. and also the ability to move your shoulder pieces. because you know how they float up sometimes? sometimes they're all the way to your ELBOW? it would be cool if you can position it the way you want it.
  13. forget the likes we can figure something out. I just want permission from MODs etc for the Emoticon thing,
  14. well, i just want to suggest an idea to the mods. whoever can post their own drawing, (could be anything to Halo, all the way to Bunnies) in an original pose or anything. And whoever get's the most likes. Wins. and the winner, could get their VERY OWN Chat Smiley or emoticon?
  15. I rented the game, i beat it's story. I have to say it's flawless. The only thing i would like, is for the game to be longer.The combat surpasses The Bat-man titles, the free roam is...jesus christ it's amazing. The graphics could be better, but not complaining much. The cinematic scenes are amazing, so is the voiceovers considering they couldn't get the original actors. I got a few costumes too, they all tear normally as you get hurt! *except for symbiote costumes* I say this game is worth a purchase, but it is rather short. The free roam eventually ends after you complete everything. but they are releasing DLC for it soon. plus it's Spidey's 50th anniversary this month. Check out my post!
  16. 1. **** figures 2.Mr.Roger's neighborhood. 3.60s spider-man
  17. I guess Charlie Sheen did enough drugs to- *puts on glasses*- kill 2 and a half men. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

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