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a live dinosaur

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Everything posted by a live dinosaur

  1. Great job :3 you're the first person to include me in a shoutout lol
  2. Yeah once you get to Hero rank it feels impossible to rank up any further. I'm only Legend :/
  3. Yeah I leveled up to 16 in Black Ops in just one hour. Of course, I don't play CoD much though so I wouldn't be a very high level
  4. Yeah my first goal in Halo 4 is to reach level SR 46 for the 5 loadouts. I am sure I will get to that point since I have a lot of Double XP matches and I will be playing nonstop lol
  5. Roarwar roar you win roarwar raor ar raowraowr
  6. Raorawar Hi I have a code for the Halo 4 Avatar Tee (Female) so the first one to post in this topic (Who is a girl lol) will get the code roarwar rarorar raor
  7. These do seem like good ideas. I kinda would like the flood to have some weird vision, like in Halo 3 when the Gravemind would talk inside chiefs head and everything had that green-shaded hue. That would be awesome, but getting used to would take a little while.
  8. Roar ar rwaror raorar roar you've been here for awhile but anyways nice to meet you lol roar raorwar ar roar Just don't let the dinosaurs too close because they bite sometimes
  9. Yeah I don't see much gameplay of the BR compared to the amount of DMR gameplay. People were complaining about it not being in Reach and now they think the DMR is better? I think DMR is only best for long range. I love both, but I haven't used the BR in such a long time.
  10. Roflmao Your awards tell me that you actually ate it, GSD
  11. The only sane thing to vote for is the armor lol
  12. Omg just two days! Please let the next voting options be AMAZING this is why I love Gamestop :3
  13. All of these pets are adorable :') I will post a more recent one of mine in a few minutes
  14. 343i know that many players are getting upset over these changes, I am sure they will add something. I will just wait.
  15. It is giving to 3 million people early, I was surprised I got it early this week. Internet Explorer on the 360 is pretty nice though.
  16. Yeah I was wondering about this a couple months back, kinda let down because Gamestop wouldn't get it. I am so much happier. Now, my only question is this: Will we be able to put our BR skin straight to use or will we have to wait until we rank up to the point where we can start off with BR, then the skin will automatically be there?
  17. So I am probably late on this, but is it confirmed that Gamestop pre-orderer's will receive the Arctic BR skin? If so, then my day has gotten so much better than it already is :3
  18. Are you even sure Recruit armor was going to be LE exclusive in the first place? All I saw it said was the exclusive Prime skins, not armor. Believe me, getting the LE will still be very worth it.
  19. Welcome, just look out for hungry dinosaurs. Seriously. Look through 343iCF rules, one of them says "Do not look into the dinosaur's eyes." There are reasons for this.
  20. Master Chief told Cortana "We just need to find Halsey" in a Vidoc so she is obviously in it lol but I am sure some other Spartans have to do with the campaign too.
  21. Anyone feel like completing the weekly challenge?

    1. Loser


      i tried and failed due to a lag out

  22. Yeah I plan on keeping my BPR up in the high range for Halo 4 up around the 80 range, mainly because I have been improving my BPR in Halo: Reach quite rapidly, mainly because I have been practicing for Halo 4's release. It used to be 38-ish, now its 53. I kinda have been switching games a lot from Halo: Reach to Minecraft to Halo: Reach lol
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